Link against: mmfcontrollerframework.lib
class TMMFMessageDestination;
Describes the destination of a message in the controller framework.
The destination is defined by a UID describing the interface and an integer object handle. The controller framework uses this information when it receives a message to decide where to send the message.
The controller plugin and controller proxy use the special constant handles KMMFObjectHandleControllerProxy and KMMFObjectHandleController for efficiency.
Defined in TMMFMessageDestination
, InterfaceId()
, TMMFMessageDestination()
, TMMFMessageDestination()
, TMMFMessageDestination()
, TMMFMessageDestination()
, operator==()
IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination();
Default constructor.
Assigns a null UID to the interface, and a null handle to the handle.
IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(TUid aInterfaceId);
Constructor for sending messages to the controller plugin.
Assigns KMMFObjectHandleController to the destination handle.
IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(TUid aInterfaceId, TInt aDestinationHandle);
Full constructor.
IMPORT_C TMMFMessageDestination(const TMMFMessageDestination &aOther);
Copy constructor.
IMPORT_C TUid InterfaceId() const;
Returns the UID of the interface of the message destination.
IMPORT_C TInt DestinationHandle() const;
Returns the handle of the destination object in the controller framework.
IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TMMFMessageDestination &aOther) const;
Compares two destinations.