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Location: Mpeg4Visual.h

This item is not part of the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Feature Pack 2.

Class TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader

class TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader;


Mpeg4 visual GOV header.


Defined in TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader:
iBrokenLink, iClosedGOV, iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes, iTimeCodeSeconds

Member data


TUint iTimeCodeHours;


iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.


TUint iTimeCodeMinutes;


iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.


TUint iTimeCodeSeconds;


iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.


TBool iClosedGOV;


Indicates the nature of the predictions used in the first consecutive B-VOPs (if any) immediately following the first coded I-VOP after the GOV header. iClosedGOV equal to ETrue indicates that there are no such B-VOPs or that these B-VOPs have been encoded using only backward prediction or intra coding. The value of iClosedGOV shall be set equal to the value of closed_gov syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.


TBool iBrokenLink;


iBrokenLink equal to ETrue indicates that the first consecutive B-VOPs (if any) immediately following the first coded I-VOP following the GOV header may not be correctly decoded because the reference frame which is used for prediction is not available (e.g., due to result of editing in compressed domain). A decoder may use this flag to avoid displaying frames that cannot be correctly decoded. The value of iBrokenLink shall be set equal to the value of broken_link syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.