Link against: msgs.lib
Link against: msgs_autoshutdown.lib
class TMsvFindOperationProgress;
Encapsulates progress information for a text search operation. The class has public data members.
Defined in TMsvFindOperationProgress
, iCompleted
, iCurrentId
, iError
, iRemaining
IMPORT_C TMsvFindOperationProgress();
Default constructor.
The data members are set to 0 or NULL values.
TInt iError;
KErrNone if the search operation completed successfully otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
This has no meaning while the search operation is in progress.
TInt iRemaining;
The number of messages remaining to be searched.
If the search operation is for text within a specified root, folder or service, then this value is zero until the total number of messages has been determined.
TMsvId iCurrentId;
The entry Id identifying the message currently being searched