Link against: print.lib
class TPrintParameters;
Print parameters.
This data is associated with a particular print request, not with the document to be printed, so is separate from the print setup information.
An object of this class is passed to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL()
and to CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL()
Defined in TPrintParameters
, iFirstPage
, iLastPage
, iNumCopies
IMPORT_C TPrintParameters();
Trivial default C++ constructor.
The number of copies is initialised to one, and the number of the first and last pages to zero.
TInt iFirstPage;
The first page to be printed.
This value should be less than or equal to iLastPage. Zero indicates the first page in the document.
TInt iLastPage;
The last page to be printed.
This value should be greater than or equal to iFirstPage. Zero indicates the first page in the document.