Link against: schsvr.lib
class TScheduleState;
Defines the state of a schedule.
An object of this type is passed to, and populated by, a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleL()
Defined in TScheduleState
, iDueTime
, iEnabled
, iName
, iPersists
TTime iDueTime;
The time when the schedule is next due.
This only has meaning if the schedule is pending, i.e. it is enabled and has tasks associated with it.
TBool iPersists;
Indicates whether the schedule is persistent or not.
If a schedule is persistent, its lifetime is not limited to the lifetime of the tasks associated with it .
If a schedule is transient, it is created together with a new scheduled task, and is destroyed when the task is destroyed.
TBool iEnabled;
Indicates whether the schedule is enabled or not.