struct TOptionStatus;
Defines the supported, RFC-defined, option status.
Defined in TOptionStatus
, iClientStatus
, iEcho
, iServerBinary
, iServerStatus
, iTerminalSpeed
, iTerminalType
TBool iServerBinary;
RFC 856 (Server Sending in Binary).
If ETrue, the server is sending in binary (RFC 856).
TBool iClientBinary;
RFC 856 (Client Sending in Binary).
If ETrue, the client is sending in binary (RFC 856).
TBool iEcho;
RFC 857 (Server Echoing Data from Client).
If ETrue, the server is echoing data back to the client (RFC 857).
TBool iNAWS;
RFC 1073 (Client Providing Window Size Information).
If ETrue, the client will negotiate about window size (RFC 1073).
TBool iTerminalSpeed;
RFC 1079 (Client Providing Terminal Speed Information).
If ETrue, the terminal speed option is enabled (RFC 1079).
TBool iTerminalType;
RFC 1091 (Client Providing Terminal Type Information).
If ETrue, the client is providing terminal type information (RFC 1091).
TBool iServerStatus;
RFC 859 (Server Providing Status Information).
If ETrue, if the server is providing status information (RFC 859).
TBool iClientStatus;
RFC 859 (Client Providing Status Information).
If ETrue, if the client is providing status information (RFC 859).