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Location: Tuner.h

This item is not part of the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Feature Pack 2.

Class MMMRdsDataObserver

class MMMRdsDataObserver;


This mixin class should be implemented by applications wishing to receive notifications when RDS data is received, changes or becomes invalid. Each method corresponds to a particular request in CMMRdsTunerUtility. Only methods corresponding to requests in CMMRdsTunerUtility that are used by a client need be implemented - empty default implementations are provided.


Defined in MMMRdsDataObserver:
MrdoDataReceived(), MrdoError(), MrdoRadioTextReceived()

Member functions


virtual void MrdoError(TInt aError)=0;


Called when some error occurs which makes RDS data unavailable.


TInt aError

- contains a standard system error code


virtual void MrdoDataReceived(const TRdsData &aData, TUint32 aValid, TUint32 aChanged)=0;


Called when some RDS data is received or has changed.

Two subsets of the RDS data supplied are indicted: that which has changed and that which is valid. This information can be interpreted as follows: For an item of RDS data x: valid(x) & !changed(x) => x was received before and has not changed valid(x) & changed(x) => x has either just been received for the first time, or has just changed !valid(x) & changed(x) => x is no longer available !valid(x) & !changed(x) => x was not available before, and is still not available.

When the tuner is retuned to a new station, all RDS data will be flushed. This will result in a call to this function indicating that all RDS data has changed and is longer valid.


const TRdsData &aData

The RDS data.

TUint32 aValid

Indicates a subset of aData that is valid (i.e. has been received)

TUint32 aChanged

Indicates a subset of aData that has changed since the last call to this function.


virtual void MrdoRadioTextReceived(const TDesC &aRt, TBool aValid, TBool aChanged)=0;


Called when the RDS Radio Text (RT) is received, changes, or is no longer available.


const TDesC &aRt

The Radio Text message. This will be empty if aValid==EFalse.

TBool aValid

Indicates if the radio text is valid.

TBool aChanged

Indicates if the radio text has changed.