Link against: eikcore.lib
class TEikVirtualCursor;
Provides support for the virtual cursor's state within an application.
There is one instance of this object per CEikonEnv
Defined in TEikVirtualCursor
, EOff
, EOn
, ESuspended
, SetCursorStateL()
, TState
IMPORT_C void SetCursorStateL(TState aState, CCoeEnv &aEnv);
Sets the virtual cursor's state.
The suspended state is for use by clients that wish to temporarily disable the cursor but not to switch it off completely.
IMPORT_C TState CursorState(CCoeEnv &aEnv);
Gets the virtual cursor's state.
Specifies the virtual cursor's state.
The state may be on, off or suspended. The suspended state is for use by applications that wish to temporarily disable the cursor, but do not want to switch it off completely. For example, an editor control which when focused needs to capture arrow keys would disable the virtual cursor when it gains focus, and enable it when unfocused.