Link against: worldclient.lib
class TWorldId;
World ID.
This class stores the world ID for a city/country. This consists of the city and country names. Unique IDs of this type are used to identify every city in the world database.
It also defines a field for setting whether city searches span the whole database, or just the current country.
Defined in TWorldId
, Country()
, Select()
, SetSelect()
, TWorldId()
IMPORT_C TWorldId();
Constructs a city ID object, and initialises it with the search locale EWithinWorld.
inline const TCityName &City() const;
Gets the city name in the current TWorldId.
inline const TCountryName &Country() const;
Gets the country name in the current TWorldId.
inline TWldSelect Select() const;
Gets the current city search mode. Clients can search for cities by country, or over the whole world database.
inline void SetSelect(TWldSelect aSelector);
Sets the city search mode. Clients can search for cities by country, or over the whole world database.