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Location: biftool.rh

This item is not part of the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Feature Pack 2.

Resource Struct BIO_INFO_FILE



Resource struct that defines the properties of a BIO message type.

An implementator of a BIO message parser must supply a resource of this type in the \system\bif directory.

Note that from v7.0, BIO_INFO_FILE resources are built by the standard resource compiler. Before v7.0, they were built by the BIO-specific BIFTOOL.

LONG message_type_uid=0x00000000;

Uniquely identifies the BIO message type.

This must not be the default 0.

LONG message_parser_uid=0x00000000;

Identifies the parser to be used for this BIO message type.

The value of the UID should be equal to the 2nd UID specified in the parser's MMP file's UID section.

LONG message_app_uid=KUidUseNoApp;

Identifies the application to be launched when the user opens a BIO message of this type.

The value of the UID should be equal to the 2nd UID specified in the application's MMP file's UID section.

KUidUseNoApp (no application) and KUidUseDefaultApp (default application) can also be used.

LONG message_appctrl_uid=0x00000000;

Identifies the control to be used to display the body of the message in a generic viewer/editor.

LTEXT description(KMaxDescription)="default description";

Textual description of the BIO message type, e.g. "Configuration information" or "Business card".

This is used to seed the description field of the TMsvEntry of a BIO message in the Message Server.

LTEXT file_extension(KMaxFileExtension)=""; 

File extension associated with the message type.

Parsers can save messages into files. If so, you can set this field to the default file extension associated with the file type. For example, vCard has the extension 'vcf'.

WORD general_data1=0x0000;

This is available for BIO-message type specific properties.

WORD general_data2=0x0000;

This is available for BIO-message type specific properties.

WORD general_data3=0x0000;

This is available for BIO-message type specific properties.

LTEXT icons_filename(KMaxFilename)="";

Filename of the MBM that contains the icons to be used by the BIO message type. An example filename would be 'ENP.MBM'.

File path information must not be included, although the MBM file extension must be included. Note that it is assumed that all BIF MBM are stored in the \system\data directory of any drive. This field must not be left blank.

LEN WORD WORD icon_zoom_levels[];

Enumerates the zoom levels for which each icon in the MBM is intended.

The 0th/1st/2nd element in the array relates to the 0th/1st/2nd icon in the MBM, and so on. Currently, due to the implementation of the BIO MTM Data Layer, there should be only 1 value this array (typically with value 1). This field must not be left as a blank array.


Array of ID resources that specify criteria for bearers to use to identify BIO messages as belonging to this type.