CAknsImageTableItemData Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed

Link against: aknskins.lib aknskinsrv.lib aknswallpaperutils.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <aknsitemdata.h>

Inherits CAknsImageItemData.

Inherited by CAknsBmpAnimItemData.

Detailed Description

Icon table item data.

Icon table item data contains (in addition to base class members), an array containing item IDs of images. Item type for image table item data objects is always EAknsITImageTable.

This is a public class with exported functions. The class is not intended for derivation outside the library.

Public Member Functions

virtual  ~CAknsImageTableItemData ()
IMPORT_C void  SetImagesL (const TInt aNumberOfImages, const TAknsItemID *aImages)
  Sets image table values for this item data instance.
IMPORT_C TAknsItemID  ImageIID (const TInt aIndex) const
  Returns the item ID of an image.
IMPORT_C TAknsItemID Images () const
  Returns pointer to the first entry in the image array, owned by this object.
IMPORT_C TInt  NumberOfImages () const
  Returns the number of images.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CAknsImageTableItemData NewL ()
  Two-phased constructor.

Protected Member Functions

  CAknsImageTableItemData (const TAknsItemType aType)
  C++ protected constructor.

Protected Attributes

TInt  iNumberOfImages
  Number of images.
TAknsItemID iImageArray
  Image array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CAknsImageTableItemData::~CAknsImageTableItemData  )  [virtual]


Destroys image array.

CAknsImageTableItemData::CAknsImageTableItemData const TAknsItemType  aType  )  [protected]

C++ protected constructor.

Constructs a new CAknsImageTableItemData without an array.

aType  Item type of the new item data object. While this is always EAknsITImageTable for instances of this class, derived classes may specify another value.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C TAknsItemID CAknsImageTableItemData::ImageIID const TInt  aIndex  )  const

Returns the item ID of an image.

aIndex  Index of the image. This value must be within 0 (inclusive) and NumberOfImages (exclusive).
Item ID of the image.
IMPORT_C TAknsItemID* CAknsImageTableItemData::Images  )  const

Returns pointer to the first entry in the image array, owned by this object.

Pointer to TAknsItemID.
static IMPORT_C CAknsImageTableItemData* CAknsImageTableItemData::NewL  )  [static]

Two-phased constructor.

Constructs a new CAknsImageTableItemData object. Values must be set separately using SetImagesL.

Newly constructed CAknsImageTableItemData object.
If allocation fails, function leaves with a system-wide error code.

Reimplemented in CAknsBmpAnimItemData.

IMPORT_C TInt CAknsImageTableItemData::NumberOfImages  )  const

Returns the number of images.

Number of images as an integer.
IMPORT_C void CAknsImageTableItemData::SetImagesL const TInt  aNumberOfImages,
const TAknsItemID aImages

Sets image table values for this item data instance.

aNumberOfImages  Number of images in aImages.
aImages  Pointer to first image ID. Values are copied into an internal array.

Field Documentation

TAknsItemID* CAknsImageTableItemData::iImageArray [protected]

Image array.

TInt CAknsImageTableItemData::iNumberOfImages [protected]

Number of images.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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