MBrCtlStateChangeObserver Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 3

Link against: browserengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



NetworkServices capability is required for any operation that results in loading content from the network. For example, calling LoadUrlL() with a url parameter that refers to a network location requires NetworkServices capability if the content is not available from the cache or if the specified cache mode prevents loading the cached version.

#include <brctlinterface.h>

Detailed Description

The MBrCtlStateChangeObserver class receives state-changed events.

At the present time, there is only one state-changed event. This event is generated when the browser switches to and from the Image Map view. In Image Map view, only an image map is displayed, which enables the user to navigate. The host application can implement this interface in order to find out when the view changes to and from the Image Map view.

  #include <BrCtlInterface.h>
 @file BrCtlInterface.h

Public Member Functions

virtual void  StateChanged (TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlState aState, TInt aValue)=0
  Notifies the Browser Control of a state-changed event.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void MBrCtlStateChangeObserver::StateChanged TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlState  aState,
TInt  aValue
[pure virtual]

Notifies the Browser Control of a state-changed event.

aState  Indicates whether or not the browser is in Image Map view. Value:EStateImageMapView
aValue  Indicates the state being changed. Values: ETrue indicates entering Image Map view EFalse indicates exiting Image Map view

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