lafpanic.h File Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

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enum   TLafPanic {
  ELafPanicPointerCursorIndexOutOfRange, ELafPanicFontIndexOutOfRange, ELafPanicConstantNotKnown, ELafPanicMsgWinBadHorizontalAlignment,
  ELafPanicMsgWinBadVerticalAlignment, ELafPanicBitmapIndexOutOfRange, ELafPanicNotificationWithoutRequest, ELafPanicFontUidUnknownOrMissing,
  ELafPanicUsingFontFromWrongVariant, ELafPanicFontCreationFailure
  Panic codes used throughout the code in Avkon library. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TLafPanic

Panic codes used throughout the code in Avkon library.

These panics have a category of EIKON or EikCoCtlLaf.

ELafPanicPointerCursorIndexOutOfRange  00: Invalid pointer cursor index used.
ELafPanicFontIndexOutOfRange  01: Invalid font index used in menu.
ELafPanicConstantNotKnown  02: Invalid constant used.
ELafPanicMsgWinBadHorizontalAlignment  03: Invalid horizontal alignment constant used.
ELafPanicMsgWinBadVerticalAlignment  04: Invalid vertical alignment constant used.
ELafPanicBitmapIndexOutOfRange  05: Bitmap index out of range.
ELafPanicNotificationWithoutRequest  06:
ELafPanicFontUidUnknownOrMissing  07: Invalid logical font category used.
ELafPanicUsingFontFromWrongVariant  08: APAC font requested in western variant.
ELafPanicFontCreationFailure  09: Font creation failure.

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