Symbian Developer Library



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A collection of tables and indexes. The context for all DBMS operations.

See also: table  index  schema  DBMS  

date editor

A concrete control which supports editing a date value.

See also: time and date editor  

day note

An appointment that has no start or end date-and-time.


Database management system. A component that controls the organisation, storage and retrieval of data (fields, records and files) in a database. The SQL component provides an alternative database implementation.


Data Carrier Detect. An RS232 input line that is generally held high by a modem while a data connection is active.

See also: RS232  


Data communication equipment (e.g. modem).

See also: DTE  


Disconnect. This command indicates the initiation of fax modem phase E — call release. This command requires no response.

default country

The default country is used as the default country to dial to.

See also: home city  

default display time

The time at which, by default, agenda entries are displayed in views.

default document file

The document file in which a file-based application saves data if no filename is given by the user.

See also: document file  

default document file name

The name of an application's default document file.

See also: default document file  

default owning window group

If a window group is closed while it has the keyboard focus, this window group receives the focus, unless the closed window group had called SetOwningWindowGroup(). A window group becomes the default owning window group by calling RWindowGroup::DefaultOwningWindow().

See also: owning window group  

default screen device

A screen device created by CCoeEnv when it is constructed. Typically used as the standard screen device for this application.

default session path

The default path for the current file server session. It is set to the connecting process’s private directory.

See also: path  

deferred loading

The loading into memory of pictures inserted in a rich text object only when they are required to be displayed. The purpose is to reduce the time taken to retrieve a text object and to save memory usage.

See also: picture  picture header  


A class derived from TDesC, which describes an area of memory used as either a string or some binary data.


File Server : a hardware and software interface which may be associated with a volume, and which has one of the letters A through Z assigned to it.

See also: volume  

device area

The area of the graphics device to which drawing can be done, (if no smaller clipping region is set in a window graphics context).

See also: clipping region  

device password dialog

Dialogs that allow the user to enter or change the device password.


Delayed Function Call. A function that is called after all interrupt service routines have been called but before execution returns to application code. May be "scheduled" by ISRs to perform services for them.


Device Family Reference Design. All products from the same DFRD are able to run the same third party software, content and services. From v7.0 onwards, this term is no longer used.


A control, normally invoked by the selection of a menu command, allowing interaction between the user and the program.

See also: control  

digital certificate

An electronic message attachment that is used for security purposes. The most common use of a digital certificate is to verify that a user sending a message is who they claim to be, and to provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply.

digital signature

A digital code that can be attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender.

direct file store

A file based persistent store in which streams can be created and objects externalised to them but, once committed and closed, they cannot subsequently be changed.

See also: file store  

Direct Navigational Link (DNL)

Applications that use the view architecture can allow other applications to send messages specifying a view to display, and possibly relevant accompanying data, called a Direct Navigational Link (DNL) message. The ability to request views and send DNLs is provided by the UI Control Framework API's CCoeAppUi class.

See also: View Architecture 


Structure containing information on files and subdirectories.

See also: path  

directory entry

Holds information about a file or a directory owned by the directory that contains the entry.

direct screen access

A way of drawing to the screen without using the window server. As this avoids client-server communication, it is much faster.


Digital Identification Signal. Frame containing the capabilities of the called fax.

See also: DTC  

displayable window

A window that can be displayed on the screen. In practice, this means all concrete window classes except window groups.


Error diffusion, or dithering, is a way of avoiding aliasing due to a cut-down palette size. If a colour cannot be matched exactly then the nearest colour is used and the difference remembered. Then on the next pixel the difference is added to the desired colour and the result matched to the nearest colour available. In this way a mid-blue, for example, might be represented by a scattering of dark blue and light blue, if that mid-blue were not available in the current palette.


Dynamic Link Library. Dynamic Link Libraries are loaded in response to an explicit API call made by an executing program.

See also: dynamic link library  statically loaded DLL  dynamically loaded DLL  API  

DLL export table

An area in the DLL which lists the DLL addresses of exported items; In Symbian OS, these items are indexed by ordinal.

See also: DLL  export  name build  ordinal build  


Application Architecture : A run-time object containing data associated with a specific instance of an application program. A document may be stored to and restored from a document file. Application framework : File-based applications use a document object to provide an intermediate layer between the app UI, the model and the file the model will be stored in. Non-file-based applications will only use a document to create the application's UI.

See also: app UI  model  application program  document file  

document class

Represents the data model for the application. In file-based applications, it stores and restores the application's data. It handles requests to edit a document by creating an app UI.

document file

A file that is the externalised form of a main document and any embedded documents it contains.

See also: document  

document head stream

A stream directly accessible from the root stream dictionary.

See also: root stream dictionary  

document position

A reference to a position in an editable text object. It is an integer ranging from zero (start of document), to the length of document. Depending on the context, a document position either refers to the character indexed by this number, or the point between this character and its predecessor (if any).

See also: text object  


The Symbian OS document embedding mechanism. A door represents an embedded document. There are two types of door: glass doors and iconic doors.

See also: document  glass door  iconic door  

down event

A Window Server event of type Button1Down, Button2Down or Button3Down. The user actions that result in these events will vary depending on the type of pointing device: mouse, pen, etc.

drag event

An event corresponding to a user's dragging a draggable control.

drawing mode

Determines the logical operation used to put pen or brush colour onto the graphics device. Defined in a graphics context.

See also: pen  brush  graphics device  


The letter used to identify one device or volume accessed through the File Server.

See also: device  volume  path  

drive list

The list of volumes that are currently valid.

drive name selector

A type of choice list which allows a drive to be selected from those currently available.


Digital rights management; a set of technologies to prevent unauthorized use of copyrighted content.


Data Set Ready. An RS232 input line that is taken as an indication that the device is connected to an active serial port.

See also: RS232  


Daylight savings time.


Digital Transmit Command. The command response to the capabilities identified by the DIS signal.

See also: DIS  


Data terminal equipment (e.g. computer).

See also: DCE  


Dual Tone Multi Frequency (touch tone). A method used by the telephone system to communicate the keys pressed when dialling. Pressing a key on a phone's keypad generates two simultaneous tones, one for the row and one for the column. These are decoded by the exchange to determine which key was pressed.


Data Terminal Ready. An RS232 output line that can be held high to indicate that a device serial port is active.

See also: RS232  


The Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking Profile. It allows a computer to use a Bluetooth cellular phone or modem to make and receive data calls.

duration editor

A control which supports editing a duration value.

See also: time editor  time offset editor  

dynamic buffer

A buffer, derived from CBufBase, used to hold data is of significantly varying length, which can be extended when necessary.

dynamic link library

A library containing functions that are linked and stored separately from the programs that use them.

See also: DLL  statically loaded DLL  dynamically loaded DLL  

dynamically loaded DLL

A DLL loaded by another program using RLibrary::Load(). Application programs may not call functions from this DLL directly. Also known as a polymorphic DLL.

See also: Polymorphic DLL