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Using the script

The script generates the emulator's ethernet configuration files. These files tell Symbian OS the addresses of your ethernet card. The script can also be used to create the comms database settings.

Before using the emulator, you should run this script. You should run it again if you change your PC's ethernet hardware or network configuration.

Use the script as follows:

  1. Ensure that the and netcards.exe files are in your epoc32\tools\ directory. Start a command prompt and cd to that directory. If the EPOCROOT environment variable is not set, then set it to the path of the directory containing the epoc32 directory.

  2. Run the script

    It has the following format:

    > perl --config <ethernetNoCommDB, ethernetWithCommDB or restoreCommDB> --kernel EKA2 --target <wins or winscw> --variant <UDEB or UREL>

    Note: If your machine has multiple network interfaces, netcards.exe prompts you to select an appropriate network interface from the list.

    --config <ethernetNoCommDB, ethernetWithCommDB or restoreCommDB>
    • ethernetNoCommDB sets up the ethernet configuration files. If you are Modifying your current configuration for ethernet then use ethernetNoCommDB.

    • ethernetWithCommDB sets up both the ethernet configuration files and also the comms database. If you are following Quick ethernet configuration use ethernetWithCommDB. Make sure you have already edited the ethernetCed.xml file. Your current comms database will be backed up before being replaced by the new configuration.

    • restoreCommDB restores the original comms database after it is replaced by ethernetWithCommDB.

    --kernel EKA2

    This is the Symbian OS kernel that you are using.

    --target <wins or winscw>

    Use winscw if you are developing with Code Warrior, otherwise use wins.

    --variant <UDEB or UREL>

    Use UREL if you are developing with the release version of Symbian OS, otherwise use UDEB to develop with the debug version.

  3. Check the result

    Settings similar to those below should be present in your epoc.ini file, normally located in \epoc32\data:

  4. Modify the MAC address

    In order for the emulator to function unobtrusively and share the ethernet NIC (Network Interface Card) with the host PC unhindered, the emulator requires a separate and unique ethernet hardware address. This is more commonly known as a MAC Address. chooses a MAC address for Symbian OS based on the MAC address of your PC. It is stored in the ethernet configuration files; see checking the result above. This MAC address will work on many networks but not all. If you have problems connecting the emulator then the choice of MAC address may be to blame:

    • Some networks will block NICs with unfamiliar MAC addresses. Your network administrator will know if this is the case. They must either configure the network to accept's choice of MAC address, or give you a MAC address that the network already accepts. In the latter case, replace the one chosen by by editing the files in checking the result above.

    • generates a MAC address based on your PC's MAC address. It changes the first byte of the PC's address from 0 to to 2. As an example, if your PC's address is 00095B59009B then the emulator's address will be 02095B59009B. This changes the scope of the MAC address from ‘global’ to ‘local’.

      Some NICs do not support a locally-scoped MAC address, and you will need an unused address from elsewhere. You could use the address of a Bluetooth device that you are not currently using, or you network administrator may be able to supply you with an address.