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Quick ethernet configuration

This describes the quickest method for setting up the Symbian OS emulator for ethernet. Use this if you are setting up the emulator for the first time, or if you are not concerned about keeping your current communication database configuration while you use ethernet.

Although this method replaces your current configuration, it will be backed up and can be retrieved at a later date.

  1. Install WinPcap 3.0

    WinPcap is used by Symbian OS to send and receive ethernet frames to Windows OS. Symbian use version 3.0 of this program. Later versions may not work

  2. Edit \epoc32\<emulator-build>\c\ethernetCed.xml in a text editor as described below.

  3. Run the script to create the new configuration. This replaces your current configuration.

  4. Optionally retrieve your original configuration. Use the script for this, too.


Editing the comms database configuration file

Symbian OS stores ethernet settings in its communications database. This database is used both in the emulator and real devices. It is primarily used by the communication subsystems within Symbian OS.

An XML configuration file is supplied that can be used to generate a comms database that enables ethernet on your system. You must edit the file in a text editor before creating the database. It is called \epoc32\<emulator-build>\c\ethernetCed.xml.

The fields that you need to edit depend upon how you would like to connect to the network:

Ethernet with dynamic IP address

Use this when your network uses DHCP. It allows the network to automatically allocate an IP address for the emulator every time it connects. Your network administrator will tell you whether you can use DHCP.

In Symbian OS, connections are known as Internet Access Points (IAPs). The method here creates one called Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP.

  1. Search for the text <Name>Ethernet</Name>. In the <LANService> tag, make sure these tags are set up as follows:


    Tag contents









    Note: before v9.0, the value of the ConfigDaemonManagerName tag was ConfigDaemonManager.

  2. Search for the text <Name>ConnectionPreferencesTable2</Name> and set the accompanying <IAPRef> tag to:

    <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</IAPRef>
  3. In the same <ConnectionPreferences> tag, set the <DialogPref> tag to either PROMPT or DONOTPROMPT. If you choose PROMPT then the user will be asked if they want to connect; if you choose DONOTPROMPT then the user will not be asked.

Ethernet with static IP address on networks without DHCP

This describes how to set all your network settings manually. This will be necessary on networks that do not use DHCP. If your network uses DHCP then you can still set your settings manually if you wish.

In Symbian OS, connections are known as Internet Access Points (IAPs). The method here creates one called Ethernet No Daemon Static IP.

  1. Search for the text <Name>Ethernet No Daemon</Name>. In the <LANService> tag, make sure these tags are set up as follows:


    Tag contents






    An IP address for the emulator. Your network administrator may be able to supply you with an IP address. It must be in the same range of addresses as the other computers on the network, and it must not be in use already.


    IP subnet mask


    Gateway IP address

    <IpNameServer1> and <IpNameServer2>

    Primary and secondary DNS server addresses

    For the last four parameters (mask, gateway and the DNS servers) you can normally use the same values that Windows on your PC uses. To show Window's configuration, type the following from a command prompt:

    > ipconfig /all

    You will get a screen similar to:

    You must not use the same IP address as Windows, though.

  2. Search for the text <Name>ConnectionPreferencesTable2</Name> and set the accompanying <IAPRef> tag to:

    <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet No Daemon Static IP</IAPRef>
  3. In the same <ConnectionPreferences> tag, set the <DialogPref> tag to either PROMPT or DONOTPROMPT. If you choose PROMPT then the user will be asked if they want to connect; if you choose DONOTPROMPT then the user will not be asked.

Ethernet with static IP address on DHCP networks

This describes how to choose your own IP address, but to set all the other network settings (subnet mask, gateway and DNS servers) automatically when you connect. Your network must use DHCP for this.

In Symbian OS, connections are known as Internet Access Points (IAPs). The method here creates one called Ethernet with Daemon Static IP.

Note: Some DHCP servers do not support this configuration. Before using it, please ensure that your network's DHCP server supports the 'INFORM' message.

  1. Search for the text <Name>Ethernet Static IP</Name>. In the <LANService> tag, make sure these tags are set up as follows:


    Tag contents






    An IP address for the emulator. Your network administrator may be able to supply you with an IP address. It must be in the same range of addresses as the other computers on the network, and it must not be in use already.





    Note: before v9.0, the value of the ConfigDaemonManagerName tag was ConfigDaemonManager.

  2. Seach for the text <Name>ConnectionPreferencesTable2</Name> and set the accompanying <IAPRef> tag to:

    <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet with Daemon Static IP</IAPRef>
  3. In the same <ConnectionPreferences> tag, set the <DialogPref> tag to either PROMPT or DONOTPROMPT. If you choose PROMPT then the user will be asked if they want to connect; if you choose DONOTPROMPT then the user will not be asked.