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SqlExample: Creating and querying SQL database

This example application demonstrates the usage of SQL API for creating and querying the database. It is located in the examples\Syslibs\SqlExample\ folder.

The following sections provide more information about this example application:



Creating the database

You can create two types of databases; secure and non-secure.

Creating non-secure database

The application first creates an RSqlDatabase object and creates a non-secure SQL database using the RSqlDatabase::Create() function. The database is then closed. Finally the database is deleted using the RSqlDatabase::Delete() function.

The format for naming the non-secure database would be the following:


where, X is the writable drive on the device or the emulator.

If path is not specified, it returns the KErrArgument error, and if the specified path is not writable by SQL server, the application returns KErrPermission error. In this example, the application will create the database in its own data area, pass a handle to the database to enable the data manipulation by the SQL server.

Note: You cannot create two databases with the same name in a location

Creating secure database

To create a secure database, you need to provide the following:


You need to use the UID of the example application to name the database.

The format for naming the database would be the following:



To successfully create and use a secure database, you must have appropriate capabilities such as READUSERDATA, WRITEUSERDATA. The example application uses NETWORKCONTROL capablity along with above specified capabilities.

Note: If the given UID does not match with that of client application (in this case, the SQL example application) the attempts to create the database fails.

Security policy

To create a secure database, you need to initially set up a container that has a set of security policies (TSecurityPolicy), and pass it to the RSqlDatabase::Create() function. The TSecurityPolicy object defines what capabilities the calling application must have in order to perform a specific database operation. To cross check if the database security policy matches with the policy used when the database was created, the RSqlDatabase::GetSecurityPolicy() function is called.

Copying one database to another

The example copies one database to another using the RSqlDatabase::Copy() function. If the database was created using a specific UID, then only the application with same UID, can perform the copy operation.

Note: In this example, copy function is essentially a file copy as the client does a copy within its data cage. The copy operation should ideally fail if the destination database already exists. An application with appropriate permissions can use the file system to copy the database.

Attaching the database

The example application then demonstrates attaching two databases. In this example, a non-secure database is attached to a secure database. The attached database is later read from and written to, and the secure database is also written to before the two databases are deleted using the RSqlDatabase::Delete() function.

Querying the database

The example then demonstrates how to prepare and execute a query.

Simple query

A simple query statement is prepared and executed using the CSqlExample::DataTypesQueryL() function.

Query with a large parameter and writing using streaming

A query with a large parameter is prepared, executed and the results are written to RSqlParamWriteStream stream. A table containing fields of data types; integer, 64-bit integer, float, text and binary is created. It inserts two records into the table and implements the TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery function for 64 bit integer (F2) and text (F4) fields and checks the returned value. The query for the data type which the column does not hold is executed, only to show that this is possible. For example, if a column holding the integer value 1000 is queried as real, it would return 1000.00.

Query returning data being read using streaming

The example lastly demonstrates how to prepare and execute a query which returns the data, and read that data from the data stream (RSqlColumnReadStream). The read stream interface class is used for reading a large amount of binary or text data from the column.


Class summary

Related APIs



The Symbian OS build process describes how to build an application.

The Sql example builds an executable called sqlexample.exe in the standard location (\epoc32\release\winscw\<build_variant> for CodeWarrior). After launching the executable depending on the emulator, you may need to task away from the app launcher or shell screen to view the console.


Example code


// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2006. All rights reserved.



// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2006. All rights reserved.

TARGET          sqlexample.exe

UID                  0 0xE80000AF

CAPABILITY       ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkControl


SYSTEMINCLUDE  \Epoc32\include

LIBRARY        euser.lib estor.lib 

LIBRARY        sqldb.lib efsrv.lib 


// sqlexample.h
// Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2006. All rights reserved.
// @file
// Contains the Class CSqlExample class.*/
#ifndef __SQLEXAMPLE_H__
#define __SQLEXAMPLE_H__

#include <e32base.h> 
Demonstrates some uses of Symbian OS SQL component.
The class demonstrates how to 
- Create and open secure and non secure databases   
- Copy a database 
- Attach two databases together
- Execute a simple query (RSqlDatabase::Exec)
- Prepare and execute a query with parameters (RSqlStatement)
- Prepare and execute a query with a large parameter, writing that parameter using streaming (RParamWriteStream)
- Prepare and execute a query which returns data, and read that data
- Prepare and execute a query which returns data, and read that data using streaming (RColumnReadStream) 
- Query for a single value (TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery)
class CSqlExample: public CBase
    static CSqlExample* NewLC();

    void CreateNonSecureDBL();
    void CreateAndOpenSecureDBL();
    void CopyDatabaseL();
    void AttachDatabasesL();
    void DataTypesQueryL();
    void ScalarFullSelectL();
    void ColumnBinaryStreamL();
    void DeleteL();
    void ConstructL();
    /** Pointer to the console interface */
    CConsoleBase*      iConsole;

#endif //__SQLEXAMPLE_H__


// sqlexample.cpp
// Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2006. All rights reserved.
This example program demonstrates the use of SQL APIs. 
The code demonstrates how to create non secure and secure databases on 
the writable drive and perform basic operations on the databases.
#include "sqlexample.h"
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <SqlDb.h>

_LIT(KTitle, "SQL example");
_LIT(KTextPressAKey, "\n\nPress any key to step through the example\n");
_LIT(KExit,"Press any key to exit the application ");
_LIT(KPressAKey,"Press any key to continue \n");
_LIT(KNonSecure,"\nCreating a non secure database \n");
_LIT(KSecure,"\nCreating a secure database \n");
_LIT(KOpen,"Opening  the secure database \n");
_LIT(KDelete,"Deleting the database(s)\n");
_LIT(KClose,"Closing the database(s)\n");
_LIT(KCopyNonSec,"\nCopying a non secure database to another non secure one \n");
_LIT(KCopySecure,"\nCopying a secure database to another secure database \n");                                    
_LIT(KAttach,"\nOpen a secure database and attach another secure database\n");
_LIT(KCreateTable,"\nCreating a table\n");
_LIT(KInsert,"Inserting records into the table\n");
_LIT(KPrepare,"Preparing a query\n");
_LIT(KExecute,"Executing a query\n");

// Names of the databases created, operated upon and later deleted.
_LIT(KDbName, "\\Example_db.db");
_LIT(KAnotherDbName, "\\Example_Anotherdb.db");
_LIT(KSecureDb1, "[E80000AF]db1.db");
_LIT(KSecureDb2, "[E80000AF]db2.db");
_LIT(KDatabase, "\\Sqlscalarfullselect.db");

// Security policies used
const TSecurityPolicy KPolicy1(ECapabilityReadUserData, ECapabilityNetworkControl,  ECapabilityWriteUserData);
const TSecurityPolicy KPolicy2(ECapabilityReadUserData);

Allocates and constructs a CSqlExample object and 
leaves it on the cleanup stack.
Initialises all member data to their default values.
CSqlExample* CSqlExample::NewLC()
    CSqlExample* rep = new(ELeave) CSqlExample();
    return rep;

void CSqlExample::ConstructL()
    iConsole = Console::NewL(KTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
    iConsole->Printf ( KTextPressAKey );
    iConsole->Getch ();

    delete iConsole;
Creates a non secure database, which has a table with two integers, and closes it. 
It is deleted at a later point of time after the copy operation.
@leave KErrNotFound, KErrAbort, KErrPermissionDenied,
KErrArgument, system-wide error codes.
void CSqlExample::CreateNonSecureDBL()
    TBuf<200> buffer;
    RSqlDatabase db;
    // Create non-secure database
    TInt error;

    TBuf<100> sql;
    User::LeaveIfError(error = db.Exec(sql));

Creates a secure database with a table and a certain security policy. 
Inserts a record, opens it and closes the database. 
The database is reopened later and hence not deleted here. 
@leave KErrNone, KErrNoMemory, KErrBadName, KErrNotReady, KErrInUse,
KErrNotFound, KErrGeneral, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrNotSupported,
ESqlDbError, system-wide error codes 
void CSqlExample::CreateAndOpenSecureDBL()
    RSqlDatabase db;
    RSqlSecurityPolicy securityPolicy;
    User::LeaveIfError(securityPolicy.SetDbPolicy(RSqlSecurityPolicy::EWritePolicy, KPolicy1));
    User::LeaveIfError(db.Create(KSecureDb1, securityPolicy));
    // Check that the database security policy matches the policy used 
    //when the database was created.
    _LIT(KSecureCreate,"CREATE TABLE secure(int_fld integer, null_int_fld integer default null)"); 

    // Attempt to write to the secure database
    _LIT(KSecureInsert,"INSERT INTO secure(int_fld) values(200)");
    // Open the secure database 

Essentially a file copy to allow users to copy a database from one file to another. 
SQL provides a mechanism to copy secure databases, (which live in the SQL 
private datacage) as a user is not allowed to do that.
The source database is then deleted after copying it to the destination.
@leave KErrAbort, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrArgument, system-wide error codes. 
void CSqlExample::CopyDatabaseL()
    RSqlDatabase db;   
    // Copy non-secure to non-secure database
    User::LeaveIfError(RSqlDatabase::Copy(KDbName, KAnotherDbName));
    // Delete the source database

    // Create another secure database with a different security policy,
    // KSecureDb1 is already created with KPolicy1.
    RSqlSecurityPolicy securityPolicy;
    User::LeaveIfError(securityPolicy.SetDbPolicy(RSqlSecurityPolicy::EWritePolicy, KPolicy2));
    User::LeaveIfError(db.Create(KSecureDb2, securityPolicy));
    // Copy secure to secure database. The application is the database owner.
    User::LeaveIfError(RSqlDatabase::Copy(KSecureDb1, KSecureDb2));
    // Delete the source database


Opens a secure database and attaches a non secure database to it.
Database has to be open before an attach can be executed.
@leave KErrNoMemory, KErrBadName, KErrNotReady, KErrInUse,
KErrNotFound, KErrGeneral, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrNotSupported,
ESqlDbError, system-wide error codes 
void CSqlExample::AttachDatabasesL()
    RSqlDatabase db;
    RSqlSecurityPolicy securityPolicy;

    _LIT(KAttachDb2, "Db2");
    User::LeaveIfError(db.Attach(KDbName, KAttachDb2));
    // Attempt to write to the attached non secure database
    _LIT(KTabInsert,"INSERT INTO db2.a1(f1) valUES(10)");
    // Attempt to read from the attached non secure database
    _LIT(KSelect,"SELECT * FROM db2.a1");
    // Attempt to write to the main secure database
    _LIT(KAttachInsert,"INSERT INTO a1(f1) valUES(10)");


Prepares and executes both a simple query and a query with parameters.
@leave KErrNoMemory, KErrBadName, KErrNotReady, KErrInUse,
KErrNotFound, KErrGeneral, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrNotSupported,
ESqlDbError, system-wide error codes.
void CSqlExample:: DataTypesQueryL()
    RSqlDatabase db;

    // Create a table with different numeric field types
                                        F DECIMAL)");                                 
    // Insert one record in to the created table
    _LIT(KSql2, "INSERT INTO Tbl(A,B,C,D,E,F) VALUES(2000000000, 30000, 123.45, 0.912E+55,\
                                        1.34E-14, 1234.5678)");
    // Get the inserted record data
    RSqlStatement stmt;
    _LIT(KPrepQuery,"SELECT * FROM Tbl");
    User::LeaveIfError(stmt.Prepare(db, KPrepQuery));
    // The statement object has to be closed before db.Exec() call, 
    // otherwise the reported error is "database table is locked"
    // Insert second record in to the created table but inverse the column types.
    _LIT(KSql3, "INSERT INTO Tbl(A,   B,  C, D, E, F) VALUES(\
    // Get the inserted record data
    _LIT(KPrepQuery2,"SELECT * FROM Tbl");
    User::LeaveIfError(stmt.Prepare(db, KPrepQuery2));

    // Insert third record in to the created table

1) Prepares and executes a query with a large parameter, writing that parameter using streaming (RParamWriteStream)
2) Creates a database with a table containing integer, 64-bit
integer, float, text and Blob fields.
3) Inserts two records. 
4) Implements TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery functions for 64 bit integer and text fields and 
checks the returned value.
@leave KErrNoMemory, KErrBadName, KErrNotReady, KErrInUse,
KErrNotFound, KErrGeneral, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrNotSupported,
ESqlDbError, system-wide error codes 
void CSqlExample::ScalarFullSelectL()
    RSqlDatabase db;
    //Create  database.
    _LIT(KTabInsert1A,"INSERT INTO A(F1, F2, F3, F4, F5) VALUES(1, 10000000000, 2.54, 'NAME1234567890', NULL)");
    _LIT(KTabInsert2A,"INSERT INTO A(F1, F2, F3, F4) VALUES(2, 200, -1.11, 'ADDRESS')"); 
    RSqlStatement stmt;
    _LIT(KUpdate,"UPDATE A SET F5=:P WHERE F1 = 2");

    // Open the parameter stream
    RSqlParamWriteStream strm;
    // Prepare and set the parameter value (non-NULL value)
    User::LeaveIfError(strm.BindBinary(stmt, 0));

    for(TInt i=0;i<100;++i)
        strm << static_cast <TUint8> (i);   
    // Write the buffered data into stream
    // Execute the prepared SQL statement  
    TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery fullSelectQuery(db);

    TBuf<100> sql;
    // Query with F2 column (64-bit integer column)
    _LIT(KAnotherSql, "SELECT F2 FROM A WHERE F1 = 1");
    // Read F2 as integer.
    TInt valInt = fullSelectQuery.SelectIntL(sql);
    // Read F2 as 64-bit integer. Expected value: 10000000000
    TInt64  valInt64 = fullSelectQuery.SelectInt64L(sql);
    // Read F2 as real. Expected value: 10000000000.0
    TReal valReal = fullSelectQuery.SelectRealL(sql);
    // Read F2 as text. Expected value: zero-length 16-bit descriptor.
    TBuf<10> valText;
    TInt err = fullSelectQuery.SelectTextL(sql, valText);

    // Read F2 as binary. Expected value: zero-length 8-bit descriptor.
    TBuf8<10> valBinary;
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectBinaryL(sql, valBinary);
    // Query with F4 column (text column) 
    _LIT(KSql4, "SELECT F4 FROM A WHERE F1 = 1");
    // Read F4 as integer. Expected value: 0.
    valInt = fullSelectQuery.SelectIntL(sql);
    //Read F4 as 64-bit integer. Expected value: 0.
    valInt64 = fullSelectQuery.SelectInt64L(sql);
    // Read F4 as real. Expected value: 0.0.
    valReal = fullSelectQuery.SelectRealL(sql);
    // Read F4 as text. Small buffer. Expected return code: positive value, which is the column length in characters.
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectTextL(sql, valText);
    // Read F4 as text. Big enough buffer. 
    TBuf<32> valText2;
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectTextL(sql, valText2);
    // Read F4 as binary. Expected error: KErrNone. Zero-length 8-bit descriptor.
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectBinaryL(sql, valBinary);

    // Read F5 as binary. Big enough buffer.
    TBuf8<100> valBinary2;
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectBinaryL(sql, valBinary2);
    // Text column value, small buffer, reallocation 
    HBufC* hbuf = HBufC::NewLC(10);
    TPtr name = hbuf->Des();
    err = fullSelectQuery.SelectTextL(sql, name);
    if(err > 0)
        hbuf = hbuf->ReAllocL(err);
        err = fullSelectQuery.SelectTextL(sql, name);
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // hbuf, can't be put as parameter, because may be reallocated
    //Close database, delete database file.
Prepare and execute a query which returns data, and 
read that data using streaming (RColumnReadStream)
@leave KErrNoMemory, KErrBadName, KErrNotReady, KErrInUse,
KErrNotFound, KErrGeneral, KErrPermissionDenied, KErrNotSupported,
ESqlDbError, system-wide error codes.
void CSqlExample::ColumnBinaryStreamL()
    RSqlDatabase db;
    TInt error;

    // Create a table
    _LIT(KSqlStmt1, "CREATE TABLE A(Fld1 INTEGER, Fld2 BLOB);");
    TBuf<100> sqlBuf;
    User::LeaveIfError(error = db.Exec(sqlBuf));
    const TInt KDataLen = 100;

    _LIT(KSqlStmt2, "INSERT INTO A(Fld1, Fld2) VALUES(");
    // Allocate a buffer for the SQL statement.
    HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::New(KSqlStmt2().Length() + KDataLen * 2 + 10);
    TPtr8 sql = buf->Des();
    // Insert row 1

    _LIT(KHexValStr1, "7E");
    _LIT(KString1, "1, x'");
    TInt i;
    _LIT(KString2, "')");    


    // Insert row 2
    _LIT(KHexValStr2, "A3");
    _LIT(KString3, "2, x'");
    _LIT(KString4, "')");

    // Prepare SELECT SQL statement
    _LIT(KSqlStmt3, "SELECT * FROM A");
    RSqlStatement stmt;
    User::LeaveIfError(error = stmt.Prepare(db, sqlBuf));
    // Move on row 1
    User::LeaveIfError(error = stmt.Next());

    // Read the long binary column using a stream
    RSqlColumnReadStream columnStream;
    error = columnStream.ColumnBinary(stmt, 1);
    TInt size = stmt.ColumnSize(1);
    TPtr8 colData = buf->Des();
    TRAP(error, columnStream.ReadL(colData, size));
    //Read row 2 using ColumnBinary(TInt aColumnIndex, TDes8& aDest).
    error = stmt.ColumnBinary(1, colData);

    //Read row 2 using a stream
    error = columnStream.ColumnBinary(stmt, 1);
    size = stmt.ColumnSize(1);
    TRAP(error, columnStream.ReadL(colData, size));
    delete buf; 
    buf = NULL;

    error = RSqlDatabase::Delete(KDbName);

LOCAL_C void MainL()
    // Create an Active Scheduler to handle asychronous calls
    CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
    CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
    CSqlExample* app = CSqlExample::NewLC();
    // Create a non secure database
    // Create and open a secure database
    // Copy two databases
    // Attach two databases
    // Simple query and query with paramaters
    //Prepares and executes a query with a large parameter
    // writing that parameter using streaming (RParamWriteStream)
    // Prepare and execute a query which returns data,
    // and read that data using streaming (RColumnReadStream)
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //app, scheduler

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
    CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
    if(cleanup == NULL)
        return KErrNoMemory;
    TRAPD(err, MainL());
    if(err != KErrNone)
        User::Panic(_L("Failed to complete"),err);

    delete cleanup;
    return KErrNone;


See also

Using SQL