Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0272 Can I use Swing with the EPOC Runtime for Java?

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Classification: Java Category: General
Created: 09/21/99 Modified: 06/22/2001
Number: FAQ-0272
Platform: ER5

I've heard conflicting reports that Swing can be used with the EPOC Release 5 Runtime for Java and that it can't? Is there an official line on this?

The position taken on this by Sun Microsystems was that, while you may be able to get some parts of Swing 1.0.3 working on JDK1.1.4, Swing is only supported on JDK1.1.5 or higher.
Since the EPOC Release 5 Runtime for Java is a certified implementation of JDK1.1.4, it is the case that some Swing 1.0.3 applications can be run on it. You should not however expect any Swing 1.1 applications to work. Note also that, in addition to the incompatibility issues, you may have further problems caused by memory limitations if you try to run Swing on an ER5 device with limited RAM resources.