Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0350 SDK Tools rely on a certain folder structure

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Classification: General Category: Tools
Created: 10/22/99 Modified: 06/21/2001
Number: FAQ-0350
Platform: ER5

SDK Tools rely on a certain folder structure

All of the EPOC Release 1 to 5 SDKs released so far contain various tools located in the \epoc32\tools\ folder. Any of these which use the CPP compiler (e.g. EIKRS.BAT, AIFTOOL, etc.) will fail to find vital include files if your source files are located more than two folders deep.

Internally at Symbian, we use a standard two-level folder structure for source code. So, for example, if we were compiling resource files, etc. for an application called FOO.APP, we would have a folder structure of:

x:\foo\rss - All language resource files
x:\foo\aif - Black & white source files for use with AIFTOOL
x:\foo\aifc - Colour source files for use with AIFTOOL
x:\foo\bar1 - Other files related to FOO.APP

Where x: is the drive on which the SDK is installed. This means that all the files are at most two folders deep, and all of the various batch files and tools in \epoc32\tools\ should function correctly.