Symbian OS Library

Developer Knowledgebase


FAQ-1344 How do I Enable Platform Security Diagnostics on the Symbian OS Emulator?
FAQ-1338 How has Symbian Signed evolved with Symbian OS v9?
FAQ-1336 How do I use UIDs allocated from
FAQ-1333 What are the values of the HAL::TAttributes (including Machine ID)?
FAQ-1330 What is the difference between Product ID/Platform ID and Machine ID?
FAQ-1327 Why do I get "Enter Organization Unit" error when transitioning from Step 3 to 4 in DevCertRequest using an ACS Publisher ID?
FAQ-1326 How can I view the contents of a .csr file?
FAQ-1325 Where do I apply for a DevCert with Phone Manufacturer capabilities and/or more than 20 IMEIs?
FAQ-1322 What is the difference between self signing and Self Certifying a SIS file?
FAQ-1318 What UID range should I use for my self signed application?
FAQ-1316 What do I name my SIS file for Symbian Signed submission?
FAQ-1308 What is the IMEI fomat for Developer Certificates?
FAQ-1307 Where can I find the dicussion forum for Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1306 How are automatic 'Over The Air' updates handled within the Symbian Signed framework?
FAQ-1304 Can my application be Symbian Signed if it contains a DLL that replaces an existing DLL on the phone?
FAQ-1301 How do I switch between running tasks?
FAQ-1297 CON-04: Why do I need to use TOOL2 for the UIQ "Task List" test?
FAQ-1288 MEM-01 My application is designed to work on a virtual machine (VM) and testing with LowMem causes panics. How do I fix it?
FAQ-1287 Why does makesis.exe give key/cer mismatch errors for files extracted from a (*.pfx) file using the vs_pkcs.exe tool?
FAQ-1279 How can I access the 'real' root and other folders on a P910i's Memory Stick?
FAQ-1266 How does signing affect the installation of embedded SIS files?
FAQ-1265 Why do I get an IAP dialog when I try to install my application?
FAQ-1264 Why does my font file work on some Symbian OS phones and not others?
FAQ-1256 How can I get the Panic reason on a Series 60 2.x device ?
FAQ-1254 MEM-01: How can I prove that a LowMem failure is caused by the underlying OS and not my application?
FAQ-1251 Why does my Symbian Signed application get an installation warning?
FAQ-1248 How can I update a Signed SIS file?
FAQ-1247 Can I request my application be tested on a particular network?
FAQ-1246 What device firmware version should I test on prior to submitting the software for testing?
FAQ-1244 How do I get my application Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1243 MEM-02: What is the low storage memory threshold?
FAQ-1242 How many phones should I test my application on before getting it signed?
FAQ-1239 MEM-01:How can I test low memory startup of applications that launch other applications?
FAQ-1238 What is "Passive Content" (PC)?
FAQ-1236 Can MGS Games be Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1235 How do I remove a virtual drive from the emulator?
FAQ-1234 Can Macromedia "Flash" content be Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1233 PKG-03: Why doesn't the installer remove all my application-created files during uninstallation?
FAQ-1232 Can a single SIS file containing both S60 and UIQ versions of an application be Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1231 Can a User-interface "Theme" or "Skin" be Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1230 What are the various root certificates used for Symbian Signed?
FAQ-1229 Why don't files signed with my ACS certificate install on a real device?
FAQ-1225 How do I open https pages using Symbian APIs
FAQ-1223 MEM-01: Where can I find information on the MEM-01 test and LowMem test tool?
FAQ-1216 Why does AIF Builder fail with the message "Internal Error - cpp.exe has returned the error code 2"?
FAQ-1191 How can I enable networking from the WINS/WINSCW emulator?
FAQ-1189 Why does the audio sample application in the UIQ SDK seem not to work on my P800/P900?
FAQ-1187 Can I develop and deploy a device driver for Symbian OS ?
FAQ-1181 What Symbian OS versions/phones are available?
FAQ-1175 Where do I get UIDs/SIDs/VIDs?
FAQ-1172 Why does the emulator delete the cacerts.dat file each time it runs?
FAQ-1171 What is the "ALT" key on the Intel "Lubbock" Symbian OS Reference Hardware Platform?
FAQ-1167 How do I configure the UIQ 2.1 Emulator to send an SMS message using a GSM phone connected via IR?
FAQ-1152 How do I configure the UIQ 2.1 emulator to send an SMS message using a GSM phone connected via serial cable?
FAQ-1145 How do I simulate low disk space on the emulator?
FAQ-1144 What causes the Codewarrior error "Too many include paths"
FAQ-1137 Whats wrong with my CommDb DHCP Ethernet settings after v7.0s?
FAQ-1122 How can my app selectively install or execute different code depending which phone it is running on?
FAQ-1114 Can I have a single SIS file that would install the correct version of my application depending on the device being used ?
FAQ-1113 How do I avoid using absolute paths in my package file ?
FAQ-1112 Can I use devices.exe to point to binaries for pre-7.0 SDKs?
FAQ-1102 What certificate/key format does Makesis support ?
FAQ-1098 How can I extract the contents of a SIS file?
FAQ-1096 How can I view the CommDB settings on a web browser?
FAQ-1095 How can I convert a CommDB CFG file to the XML format?
FAQ-1094 How can I edit the CommDB settings of the Symbian OS emulator?
FAQ-1093 Which phones can I target using Symbian's QI Connectivity SDK?
FAQ-1090 Advice on instigating a billable event from your application
FAQ-1059 My recognizer is causing a lock up on my device. What can I do ?
FAQ-1045 What are the Product IDs that I need to specify in my .PKG file for installation onto devices
FAQ-1041 Beware of hardcoding filenames which may not be present on all phones!
FAQ-1024 I want a server to 'push' information to IP clients over GPRS
FAQ-1021 How do I get a UID for my application?
FAQ-1011 How can I enable copy-paste into the search field in the UIQ SDK help documentation?
FAQ-0939 What causes "warning LNK4006: __NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR already defined"?
FAQ-0936 How do I create an installation file working on all UIQ phones?
FAQ-0898 Why does Internet connection using GPRS modem fail with etel panic code 76?
FAQ-0894 How do I get my application SIS file digitally signed?
FAQ-0893 What phones can I use to provide GSM/GPRS connectivity for Symbian OS during testing?
FAQ-0891 What reference hardware has Symbian OS been developed and tested on?
FAQ-0862 Why does my application icon not appear immediately after installation?
FAQ-0853 Why does my SIS file sometimes fail to build when I add requisite package information
FAQ-0833 Can I download and install a .SIS file over the air?
FAQ-0829 Why can't I create and destroy more than ~2000 threads on the emulator.
FAQ-0796 What's the easiest way to create a .sis installation file for my application?
FAQ-0772 Why can I create files on LFFS with a total size > drive size?
FAQ-0771 Why do I get KErrDiskFull when writing to a file on an LFFS drive even though I reserved the space with SetSize()?
FAQ-0767 When my program panics it closes the emulator without first displaying a dialog box.
FAQ-0746 How do I connect Symbian OS v6.0 for Crystal / WINS to NT RAS ?
FAQ-0742 How do I make sure that my Application works well with a FEP
FAQ-0736 Is there any easy way to view ASCII text files under a Unicode variant of Symbian OS?
FAQ-0713 How can I speed up the Nokia 9210 emulator?
FAQ-0711 How do I find out what's changed in version 6.1 of the Symbian OS?
FAQ-0684 Is there a way to view the Task List on the UIQ emulator?
FAQ-0537 Which drive should I install my SDK on?
FAQ-0506 What are EPOC's limits?
FAQ-0355 What do the PC's Function Keys (F1-F12) do under WINS?
FAQ-0354 My "stub" .SIS file is very large, how can I fix that? (Or Where to place language dependant files in your .PKG)
FAQ-0351 Can I make the use of makesis any easier?
FAQ-0350 SDK Tools rely on a certain folder structure
FAQ-0312 Big endian v little endian?
FAQ-0209 Why are Symbian OS files 1 hour out under Explorer?
FAQ-0196 What is ThreadPanicBreakpoint?
FAQ-0172 How do I remove apps?
FAQ-0154 Can I speed up the process of using Makesis?
FAQ-0100 What is \epoc32\data\system.ini?
FAQ-0080 How can I change locale in WINS?
FAQ-0066 Can I make the WINS screen bigger?
FAQ-0047 Don't presuppose ways of joining text messages together