Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0354 My "stub" .SIS file is very large, how can I fix that? (Or Where to place language dependant files in your .PKG)

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Classification: General Category: Installation
Created: 10/22/99 Modified: 06/22/2001
Number: FAQ-0354
Platform: ER5

My "stub" .SIS file is very large, how can I fix that? (Or Where to place language dependant files in your .PKG)

There is a known defect in the current EPOC Application Installer component which is related to where language dependent files are the last entries in the .PKG file. The installer installs the correct file, but then leaves all of the other language variants of that file inside the stub .SIS file without deleting them.

The workaround is to place language dependent files at the start of your PKG file. This sample PKG file (from the OPL Resource File Tutorial) should demonstrate:

; Example PKG for a multi-lingual application
; Last updated 06 January 2000
; Copyright (c) Symbian Ltd. 1999-2000. All Rights Reserved.

; Languages supported...
; SIS file header (one 'title' for each language)...
; Files to be removed when the app is removed. In this case we want to
; remove the INI file (if one has been created)
; Language resource files (Essential) - language dependant
; Application files (Essential) - language independent
