Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0501 Tip for finding out which library an export appears in

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Classification: C++ Category: Utilities & Build Tools
Created: 07/13/2000 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0501
Platform: Not Applicable

Tip for finding out which library an export appears in

Use the Microsoft Visual C++ tool Dumpbin.exe to generate a list of all symbols contained in the LIB files supplied on the SDK. You can then simply search that file for a given export. Bring up a Command Prompt and then with ER1 to ER5 SDKs do the following:
cd \epoc32\release\wins\deb
dumpbin /linkermember *.lib > Exports.txt

and with any V6 SDKs or newer do this:

cd \epoc32\release\wins\udeb
dumpbin /linkermember *.lib > Exports.txt

Note: You cannot guarantee that exports will be the same across all variants, e.g. the MARM REL exports may differ from the WINS DEB ones.