Symbian OS Library

Developer Knowledgebase


FAQ-1352 Is CMdaAudioOutputStream::SetPriority() protected with MultimediaDD capability?
FAQ-1351 How can I use WAP APNs?
FAQ-1347 How can I escape the ? and * characters in my DBMS LIKE query?
FAQ-1340 How do I debug Platform Security API policy violations?
FAQ-1311 How can I automate zip-archiving of my application builds?
FAQ-1302 What are the best timers to use for profiling program behaviour?
FAQ-1299 My application will not backup/restore properly. Do you have any tips or tricks?
FAQ-1293 What is the GCC-E Compiler?
FAQ-1290 What C++ toolchain do I need for developing on Symbian OS?
FAQ-1284 What is the "EABI Thunk Offset Problem"?
FAQ-1282 Why can't I connect to a local (within the device) TCP/UDP socket using the name 'localhost'?
FAQ-1269 How can I point to a file under the EPOC32 directory using SOURCEPATH without creating an absolute path in the .mmp file?
FAQ-1268 How can I make my UIQ application work in both 'flip open' and 'flip closed' mode on the Sony Ericsson Pxxx series?
FAQ-1263 Why doesn't the Code Warrior "Import Project From .mmp File" option work after I add a new device using devices.exe?
FAQ-1259 How can I migrate to the new Bluetooth virtual serial port configuration APIs in 8.0 ?
FAQ-1258 How can I discover and select a Bluetooth device easily without writing a dialog ?
FAQ-1255 Why can't I use TApaTask to find a process/thread?
FAQ-1253 How does setting EPOCHEAPSIZE in the MMP file affect process creation/execution?
FAQ-1252 Does Symbian OS provide support for writeable static data (WSD)?
FAQ-1250 What API support do Symbian OS phones provide for multimedia messaging (MMS)?
FAQ-1241 How do CEikDialog-based dialogs 'block' when using the EEikDialogFlagWait flag?
FAQ-1218 How can I draw fast onto the screen with the minimum overhead
FAQ-1213 How do I update my static interface DLL with a new version?
FAQ-1211 Can I use NumberConversion functionality on Series 60?
FAQ-1209 Why can't I use the standard set of Multimedia APIs on the Motorola A1000?
FAQ-1207 Why might code using VA_LIST stop working when I use the RVCT compiler?
FAQ-1204 How do I silently intercept SMS messages that have specific text within the SMS body text
FAQ-1203 How can I TRAP a 'LC' method/function without causing a panic?
FAQ-1202 What formatting character do I use to create a string containing large numbers ?
FAQ-1201 How do I update an exsiting ECOM implementation with my new version.
FAQ-1200 How do I support a new message type on Symbian OS ?
FAQ-1199 Does Symbian OS support full duplex [bi-directional] audio?
FAQ-1197 Why do I get multiple invalid certificate warnings even though I acknowledged the first one?
FAQ-1196 Why do I get a certificate warning dialog when I connect to a server using SSL/TLS?
FAQ-1195 Can I TRAP a 'LC' method/function ?
FAQ-1190 Why does calling SetAudioDeviceMode() on my recorder utility seem not to make any difference on Symbian OS v7.0s onward?
FAQ-1179 What support does Symbian OS provide for a generic object-factory (plug-in) framework ?
FAQ-1177 What are the FSCLIENT panics?
FAQ-1173 What CommDB tables do I need to setup for a GPRS Internet (not WAP) connection ?
FAQ-1166 How can I migrate my apps safely to newer versions of Symbian OS?
FAQ-1165 How do I know which C++ APIs are available to 3rd party developers?
FAQ-1164 Why does my IMEI registration not work with the P910i but works with the P800 and P900 ?
FAQ-1163 Which ECOM Resource Header (.rh) file do I include in the RSS file for my ECOM plugin ?
FAQ-1156 Why do I get a KErrInUse result if there is more than one SyncML controller running on a device?
FAQ-1154 How can I receive key events in my application?
FAQ-1151 How do I create a Bluetooth (BT) or Infra-Red (IR) message in the Inbox ?
FAQ-1150 How can I get the IMEI or IMSI number of a phone using Symbian OS v7.0?
FAQ-1148 How do I get the list of active bluetooth connections?
FAQ-1140 How do I get a list of Internet Access Point (IAP) names?
FAQ-1139 What causes the panic MSGS 294
FAQ-1138 Why can't I create an email in a self-created POP3 mailbox?
FAQ-1136 The IMEI number on my P910i has a different format than on the P800 and P900, why has this changed ?
FAQ-1129 What is an embeddable application?
FAQ-1126 How can I get the IMEI or IMSI number of a phone using Symbian OS v8.0?
FAQ-1115 Why does TTime time(_L("20040819:120000.000000")); represent Noon on the 20th of September 2004?
FAQ-1111 Is it possible to tell when an application starts or exits?
FAQ-1108 Are animated GIFs supported by Symbian OS?
FAQ-1104 How can I find out which MTMs are available for use on a device?
FAQ-1100 How do I prevent flicker in my application ?
FAQ-1099 Can I develop for the Symbian OS Emulator without buying an IDE?
FAQ-1091 Why am I getting strange build errors from the tool chain?
FAQ-1089 Process local storage : How can I use TLS to implement writable global data which is shared between threads in the same process?
FAQ-1082 What are the build system limits on filenames/folder nesting/pathnames ?
FAQ-1081 Why does my list box not update after adding or removing an item ?
FAQ-1073 My recognizer is causing a lock up. Why?
FAQ-1071 What tools are available for editing/configuring the Communications Database (CommDb)?
FAQ-1070 How do I stream audio data that is not PCM16 on Symbian OS?
FAQ-1068 How can I see assembler code when building for THUMB or ARM4
FAQ-1064 How can I set up an explicit connection for an HTTP session?
FAQ-1061 Why do I get an KErrOverflow error when I try and insert more than 50 characters into an EDbColText field ?
FAQ-1058 I have a database I would like to share, how do I do this ?
FAQ-1057 How do I debug SyncML Database Adaptors (DBAs)?
FAQ-1050 When using the CMdaAudioRecorderUtility for playback, my application behaves differently on v7.0s to previous revisions. Why is this?
FAQ-1046 How can I find out when my app is put to the background or foreground
FAQ-1044 How can I get a UIQ SendAs Dialog to display only relevant transport options?
FAQ-1038 Why do I get a E32USER-CBase 44 panic when I try to use a CMdaAudioPlayerUtility?
FAQ-1037 How can I find out what apps are available ?
FAQ-1036 How can I use CaptureLongKey properly?
FAQ-1034 What is the CMdaAudioToneUtility DualTone API?
FAQ-1026 Can I use a latest version of GCC like 3.x and beyond for Symbian OS development?
FAQ-1020 Why isn't the "undefined" glyph being displayed for unsupported characters
FAQ-1013 Can I use Visual Studio .NET with Symbian OS v7.x or v8.x SDKs?
FAQ-1007 Why does the call line status seem to be the same for both incoming and outgoing calls ?
FAQ-1006 How can one break into a thread while the WINS emulator is running and inspect the state of the Active Objects
FAQ-1004 Why does my Audio Streaming application crash on Symbian OS v7.0s?
FAQ-1003 How can I keep the phone from behaving as if it has been inactive?
FAQ-1002 How do I determine the amount of time that has passed since the last user action?
FAQ-0995 How can I detect what signal strength is available on a phone?
FAQ-0993 How can I detect battery strength on a phone ?
FAQ-0992 What are the Symbian error code values?
FAQ-0986 Is it possible to use Raw IR on Symbian OS devices?
FAQ-0985 RDbDatabase::Size always seems to return -5
FAQ-0980 Can I send and receive SMS on Symbian OS v7.0s?
FAQ-0979 What support does Symbian OS provide for file compression in v6.x?
FAQ-0969 How do I find a tsy name on a specific device programmatically?
FAQ-0968 Why doesn't my audio application work on a Nokia 3650 when it worked fine on a Nokia 7650?
FAQ-0961 How do I force a flush of all buffered 2D drawing commands?
FAQ-0960 Why does my SSL code run slower using CSecureSocket than it did with Symbian OS v6.1 API's?
FAQ-0959 Why does the DataAddress() of my CFbsBitmap appear invalid?
FAQ-0958 Where can I find example code for Bluetooth?
FAQ-0956 Can I do Symbian OS C++ development on Linux?
FAQ-0952 Where can I find etelmm.h?
FAQ-0948 If I click the button and drag the pointer off the button it remains in an "activated" state. Why ?
FAQ-0944 Does Symbian OS support cryptography and related functionality?
FAQ-0941 When will a Kernel Extension DLL be unloaded ?
FAQ-0938 Can I use writeable static data in a multi-threaded context in Symbian OS
FAQ-0935 How do I work out which phones support a given Symbian OS API?
FAQ-0929 Why does my code suffer an access violation (Kern-Exec 3) when using setjmp() and longjmp()?
FAQ-0925 Can I record from and play to the GSM audio stream on Symbian OS phones?
FAQ-0920 What tips can you give me to avoid a Viewsrv 11 panic in my application?
FAQ-0917 How can I manually activate my RunL() ?
FAQ-0915 Why shouldn't I call iEikonEnv->HandleError() in my application
FAQ-0913 I get unresolved symbols at link time for functions that are not in my code. How do I fix them?
FAQ-0911 How do I free up system memory for my application?
FAQ-0908 What is the difference between CApaWindowGroupName::SetSystem() and RThread::SetSystem()?
FAQ-0907 Why doesn't Symbian OS support writeable static data
FAQ-0905 How can I add an icon to appear on the system statusbar for all applications
FAQ-0903 How do I use loader tracing to investigate "Not found" problems on target hardware?
FAQ-0902 Why does my recogniser not work and/or cause a "AppArcServerThread USER 11" panic?
FAQ-0901 How do I use a static library as part of a kernel-side DLL?
FAQ-0900 Why is my application terminated with the panic ViewSrv 11?
FAQ-0892 How can I easily implement beeps in my app?
FAQ-0887 How do I override the ISP Selection Request Dialog in Symbian OS 7.0?
FAQ-0886 Why should a derived App Ui's ConstructL() function use BaseConstructL() sometimes, instead of ConstructL()?
FAQ-0884 What is the correct way to create controls?
FAQ-0882 What visual tools and wizards are available for Symbian OS development?
FAQ-0880 How can I play a MIDI note when I have no MIDI source?
FAQ-0879 Why does CEikonEnv::Beep() not work
FAQ-0878 Why does User::Beep() not make a sound?
FAQ-0877 Why do I have problems linking with edllstub.lib?
FAQ-0876 How can my application receive data over SMS without user interaction?
FAQ-0875 How does the new multimedia framework in Symbian OS v7.0s affect multimedia code written for older versions?
FAQ-0873 Can I write multimedia plug-ins for Symbian OS?
FAQ-0872 My CFileMan code appears to hang - why?
FAQ-0868 How can I speed up the UIQ emulator for CodeWarrior?
FAQ-0867 How can I speed up the Series 60 emulator?
FAQ-0864 How do I associate my application with its owned files : Recognizers and AIF files
FAQ-0863 What reference platforms and devices are available for C++ development on each Symbian OS release?
FAQ-0861 How should I use app-specific font files?
FAQ-0859 How do I tell the compiler to use the TProcessPriority enum and not the ones in CActive?
FAQ-0858 How are Audio PCM samples organized in memory within Symbian OS?
FAQ-0856 Why do Symbian OS 6.1 / 7.0 / Nokia 7650 / Nokia 3650 resource files appear to be different?
FAQ-0852 How can I use Thread Local Storage to maintain static data in a DLL?
FAQ-0850 I'm having trouble creating a DNL to a ToDo in UIQ - it duplicates the entry. Why?
FAQ-0847 How can I work out which C++ APIs are supported on which phones?
FAQ-0844 What support does Symbian OS provide for file compression?
FAQ-0843 How can I access the system timer properties on a 9200 Series communicator?
FAQ-0841 How can I find out the significance of Panic numbers?
FAQ-0838 How do I display ASCII text in a CEikEdwin?
FAQ-0837 How do I launch the Series 60 WAP browser seeded with a given URL?
FAQ-0835 Can I use Visual Studio .NET with Symbian OS v6.x SDKs?
FAQ-0834 Can polymorphic dlls have resources defined in their own rss files?
FAQ-0832 Why is my call to CEikListBox::HandleItemRemovalL() not reflected on the screen?
FAQ-0825 Is TBufC immutable?
FAQ-0824 Why can't I find TBool operator!=(TTrue,volatile const TBool)? What is __BOOL_NO_TRUE_TRAP__?
FAQ-0823 How can I override user preferences for ISP dial-up?
FAQ-0818 Why do I get a link error for Dll::SetTls() in ARMI builds?
FAQ-0817 Why can I only access controls on the first dialog page?
FAQ-0816 How do I convert an 8-bit byte array to a TDesC16?
FAQ-0815 How can my test script efficiently test code that panics?
FAQ-0814 Is there a way to get binary data in a _LIT?
FAQ-0813 How can I read from a socket into the middle of a descriptor?
FAQ-0811 Where can I find etelgprs.h which appears to be omitted from Symbian OS v6.1 SDKs?
FAQ-0810 How can I handle error codes more conveniently on Symbian OS v7.0?
FAQ-0809 How does the UI of the Word app on Symbian OS work?
FAQ-0808 How can I get the IMEI number of a phone?
FAQ-0802 How do I add a menu item dynamically?
FAQ-0800 How can I detect the default document folder on a device?
FAQ-0798 How can I handle error codes more conveniently on Symbian OS v6.x?
FAQ-0797 How can I find out what the physical size of a text string will be when displayed?
FAQ-0795 How do I change the colours of the highlighted item in a text list box?
FAQ-0793 How do I set a route for a socket connection?
FAQ-0792 How do I send a window server event to another window group?
FAQ-0791 How do I simulate a key press?
FAQ-0790 How can I close down the system apps on the Nokia 9210 to launch a memory intensive app?
FAQ-0789 How can I find out the capabilities of the ROM my 9200 series app is running on?
FAQ-0783 Why does my client-server program crash on WINS?
FAQ-0782 How do I get my new control to display itself?
FAQ-0779 How does the Notes editor in the 9200 Series Contacts app resize itself?
FAQ-0774 What causes "warning LNK4089: all references to "XXX.DLL" discarded by /OPT:REF"?
FAQ-0773 Why does calling Close() or Shutdown() on my RSocket session not result in termination of my dial-up connection
FAQ-0770 How does SetSize() behave on an LFFS drive?
FAQ-0768 How can I use CSecurityBase to encrypt and decrypt my data files?
FAQ-0765 Why does CMdaImageUtility::FrameCount() return the wrong number of frames?
FAQ-0764 Why does my DLL project not generate a .lib file?
FAQ-0763 Why can't I modify the text background colour on my CTextView?
FAQ-0758 Why can't I resume a thread after it has suspended itself?
FAQ-0756 Why am I unable to change the font in a column of my CColumnListBoxData?
FAQ-0750 How do I find out whether my phone is on or off from within an application?
FAQ-0744 How do I prevent my application from being closed by the start up of the browser
FAQ-0743 How can I create an SMS and send it immediately?
FAQ-0740 I set my Active Object priority to EPriorityLow but it seems to run at EPriorityHigh
FAQ-0737 When I hit a breakpoint and return to my application, key presses keep being repeated. Can I prevent this?
FAQ-0726 Why does'nt the Audio Priority scheme for CMdaAudioPlayerUtility work on the emulator?
FAQ-0725 How can I position my toolbar on the left instead of the right of my application?
FAQ-0723 When testing SIS files under WINS, how can I install shared DLLs?
FAQ-0720 What causes "undefined reference to `_call_via_r2'"in THUMB builds
FAQ-0717 How to I use the Virtual Cursor introduced to UIKON in V6.0 of the Symbian OS?
FAQ-0698 Should I use CEikDocument and CEikAppUI or CQikDocument and CQikAppUI
FAQ-0692 How can I handle problems occurring in math operations?
FAQ-0691 What functions that could leave in ER5 can no longer leave in v6.0?
FAQ-0690 What are redraws for?
FAQ-0683 How do I debug "Bad relocation" error in PETRAN?
FAQ-0679 Can I reduce a bitmap footprint?
FAQ-0676 File handling (reading/writing) does not seem to be working in v6 like it did in ER5. What has changed?
FAQ-0673 How do I use the Visual C++ Profiler with Symbian OS?
FAQ-0672 How do I port my existing apps from v5 of Symbian OS to UIQ?
FAQ-0663 How can I resolve the 'Not Found' message that appears when trying to launch an application?
FAQ-0657 How do I implement Context Sensitive Help in my application?
FAQ-0652 How can I save the ARM link register into a C++ variable
FAQ-0645 How do I embed ARM assembler in a THUMB executable?
FAQ-0643 How do I get ARM or THUMB assembler from my C++ files?
FAQ-0641 What is a "Deprecated non-unicode value"?
FAQ-0639 Are contact IDs and field IDs unique?
FAQ-0637 What is "Kernel FAULT: 0 Watch Dog"?
FAQ-0632 How can I find which DLLs are statically linked to XYZ.LIB?
FAQ-0619 How do I use RHandleBase::Duplicate()?
FAQ-0617 How do I actually use TFindFile::FindWildByDir?
FAQ-0616 What causes "undefined reference to LC0"?
FAQ-0600 How do I save and restore stream data to descriptors?
FAQ-0599 How do I use descriptors for my strings?
FAQ-0594 How do I use descriptors?
FAQ-0589 How can I run simple RTest examples under EIKON?
FAQ-0585 How can I change locale in WINS?
FAQ-0582 Can I derive from a class implemented in an EPOC32 DLL?
FAQ-0578 How do I include 'Add to Desk' functionality in my 9200 Series application?
FAQ-0577 Why does the STDLIB appear to leak memory?
FAQ-0576 How do I create a Cone environment in *.exe files?
FAQ-0575 How can I run an EPOCEXE file in the emulator?
FAQ-0574 What is an EPOCEXE target type used for?
FAQ-0572 How do I use CContactNumberField in Contacts?
FAQ-0571 Why does CMyAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL() not seem to get called on Symbian OS v6.x?
FAQ-0570 How do I configure the comms of my v6.0 emulator to use the modem on COM port 2?
FAQ-0564 What's the fastest way to draw to the screen? Can you by-pass WSERV?
FAQ-0563 dlltool tries to use folder different from the one I ask it to build a .exp file in. What's going wrong?
FAQ-0556 Why is it better to use the Pre-increment Operator rather than the Post-Increment Increment Operator?
FAQ-0548 My program hangs when I call GetProtocolInfo() from RSocketServ
FAQ-0545 How do I allow the user to make my application the default handler for a MIME type?
FAQ-0539 What might be the cause of a seemingly wrong "alloc heaven" panic from the __UHEAP macros?
FAQ-0535 Can TKey derived classes be used with dynamic arrays ?
FAQ-0534 Why do I get an E32User-Cbase 46 Panic when cancelling a CMsvOperation
FAQ-0533 How can I change the font for a text editor control?
FAQ-0532 Can you give me some best practices when it comes to the array templates
FAQ-0531 When is calling HBufC::Des() an error?
FAQ-0530 How do I use the cleanup stack with R and M classes?
FAQ-0529 How do I use _LIT() constants with the ?: operator?
FAQ-0528 How do I access data within an EDbColLongText DBMS column ?
FAQ-0526 How do I find contact fields using a VCard mapping?
FAQ-0525 How does EIKON determine which processes it displays in the task list?
FAQ-0524 How do I launch the web browser seeded with a given URL?
FAQ-0523 How can I insert a special non-ASCII characters in a resource string?
FAQ-0522 Why does my xxx.UID.cpp always shows UIDs 2 and 3 as 0x00000000?
FAQ-0521 KERN-EXEC 3 When Passing C++ bool Parameters on MARM
FAQ-0520 How do I find out about the current thread or process?
FAQ-0519 How can I easily play a sound using EIKON?
FAQ-0518 How can I use DBMS Encryption or CSecurityEncryptBase?
FAQ-0517 Can I obtain a return code other than zero from E32Main in a WINC executable?
FAQ-0516 How can I truncate text to fit a specific width?
FAQ-0515 How do I check if the Clipboard is empty?
FAQ-0513 Why do my RLibrary calls fail under a WINS console?
FAQ-0512 Why does my console program fail to dial up when it works fine on the emulator?
FAQ-0511 How can I send keypresses to another application?
FAQ-0510 How to remove VC++ 6.0 Link Warnings on ER5
FAQ-0509 Why does my console program fail to dial a PPP connection in the emulator?
FAQ-0508 How do I get the 'phone name' parameter for RPhone::Open()?
FAQ-0507 Why does the Control not react to my simulated Ctrl-c, Ctrl-x, .... Events?
FAQ-0505 How do I copy part of the screen into a bitmap inside an Anim DLL?
FAQ-0504 Why does my code sometimes gets stuck waiting for a thread to die?
FAQ-0502 CEikHorOptionButtonList can cause a panic if you don't initialise the state correctly
FAQ-0501 Tip for finding out which library an export appears in
FAQ-0499 How can I launch an application and wait until it's finished to do something?
FAQ-0495 Error trying to compile Word from the ER5 SDK using EBLD.BAT
FAQ-0493 How can I use PETRAN with '-allowdlldata'?
FAQ-0492 How can I test support for interesting Unicode characters?
FAQ-0491 Can a server process more than one request simultaneously?
FAQ-0487 Why does DBMS appear to have a memory leak?
FAQ-0479 Can I get the number of an incoming phone call with ETel?
FAQ-0477 How do I find the path of a Dll or exe.
FAQ-0475 How can I send an SMS?
FAQ-0474 CFontCache::RemoveFirstEntry() doesn't decrease iNumEntries member
FAQ-0473 What causes panic LDR-IMPORT 2?
FAQ-0471 Is there a list of the UIDs of the ROM apps?
FAQ-0458 What does WINS mean by "Plat: 46"?
FAQ-0456 I don't want to get a data file when I run my application.
FAQ-0454 How do I pass collections around in EPOC?
FAQ-0449 Can I use Lint to static check EPOC code?
FAQ-0447 How do I find out the ROM version number?
FAQ-0446 My GCC Compiler hangs. Why?
FAQ-0444 How do I achieve Binary Compatibility in Symbian OS?
FAQ-0442 How should I externalize/internalize a TDateTime?
FAQ-0441 What do GLDEF_C, LOCAL_C, GLREF_C, etc. mean?
FAQ-0438 When I sort accented characters in Data or Sheet it does not follow the code page order.
FAQ-0436 How do I test TCP/IP networking using my PC's Internet Connection?
FAQ-0435 How do I do Memory Leak Testing - particularly where there is cached memory?
FAQ-0434 What debugging hotkeys are available in Eikon releases?
FAQ-0433 ARM GCC Compiler register usage?
FAQ-0432 How do I find the width of a Scroll Bar?
FAQ-0431 How do I find the address of a ROM entry point?
FAQ-0426 Symbian OS Profiling Tools?