Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0523 How can I insert a special non-ASCII characters in a resource string?

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Classification: C++ Category: BAFL & Resources
Created: 10/17/2000 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0523
Platform: Not Applicable

How can I insert a special non-ASCII characters in a resource string?

Non-ASCII 8-bit or Unicode characters outside of the Latin code-page cannot be typed straight into the 8-bit resource script file.
Instead, these characters must be inserted using a special syntax of the form <0xab> for 8-bit characters or <0xabcd> for Unicode characters. The angle brackets should be placed outside the text quotation characters, e.g.,

RESOURCE LBUF r_text { txt="More"<0x1234>"?";}

If the character is being used several times, it can be useful to #define the character code.
E.g. to define a Unicode ellipsis character:

#define KEllipsis 0x2026
RESOURCE LBUF r_text { txt="More""?";}