Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0570 How do I configure the comms of my v6.0 emulator to use the modem on COM port 2?

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Classification: C++ Category: Networking
Created: 02/13/2001 Modified: 09/11/2002
Number: FAQ-0570
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0

How do I configure the comms of my v6.0 emulator to use the modem on COM port 2?

The first release of Developer Library omitted any information about using the setupcomms.bat file, used for editing the CommDb database on by the device (or emulator) to configure communications with the outside world.

ER5 and below had control panel dialogs for configuring the modems etc. However, since v6.0 have all the comms built in, these dialogs were no longer required (being set by the device manufacturer). This means that you cannot edit the configuration for the emulator either. setupcomms.bat has been provided so you can edit the database.

Documentation for setupcomms.bat can be found in the updated release of the v6.0 documentation at:

Search for setupcomms.bat in the compiled HTML version (Quartz6.0.chm).

Once the HTML version has been installed the documentation can be found at: C:/Symbian/6.0/Shared/DeveloperLibrary/Quartz6.0/Quartz/QuartzEmulator/emulator/ (assuming the SDK is installed onto the root of C:).

This documentation will describe how to set up the emulator to work with your modem.

Note - to run setupcomms.bat the DOS shell must be at the drive you installed the SDK to.