Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0698 Should I use CEikDocument and CEikAppUI or CQikDocument and CQikAppUI

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Classification: C++ Category: Development
Created: 02/13/2001 Modified: 07/22/2003
Number: FAQ-0698
Platform: Not Applicable

When writing a UIQ application (particularly when migrating a Symbian OS app to UIQ) does it matter whether I derive
my document and app UI classes from CEikDocument / CEikAppUI or CQikDocument / CQikAppUI

It is very important that you derive your document class from CQikDocument. As you know, the user does not manually close applications. When the Quartz device runs low on memory it sends a notification to apps so that they can close and free up space. Unless you derive from CQikDocument your app won't get this notification.

As for QikAppUI, this is less important but should still be used. It adds support for things such as categories on the right hand side of menus.