Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0795 How do I change the colours of the highlighted item in a text list box?

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Classification: C++ Category: EIKON
Created: 05/24/2002 Modified: 06/21/2002
Number: FAQ-0795
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

How do I change the colours of the highlighted item in a text list box and make it appear in my dialog?

You can use the CCoecontrol::OverrideColorL(...) method to change the default colour list which the control picks up, then force the control to update to use the new colour list with a call to HandleResourceChange(KEikColorResourceChange). The best place to do this is in PreLayoutDynInitL():

// MyApp.cpp

void CModifiedListBoxDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
     CEikTextListBox* listbox=(CEikTextListBox*)Control(EModifiedTextListBox);
listbox->OverrideColorL(EColorControlHighlightBackground, TRgb(200, 100, 0));
listbox->OverrideColorL(EColorControlHighlightText, TRgb(0, 100, 200));
CDesCArray* listboxArray=((CDesCArray*)listbox->Model()->ItemTextArray());

You can then include the control in your dialog by adding it to your .hrh and .rss files as follows:

// MyApp.hrh


// MyAppUi.rss

RESOURCE DIALOG r_modified_listbox_dialog
items =
type = EEikCtListBox;
id = EModifiedTextListBox;
control = LISTBOX
flags = EEikListBoxIncrementalMatching;

The logical color options which can be passed as the first argument to OverrideColorL() are defined in gulcolor.h.