Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0841 How can I find out the significance of Panic numbers?

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Classification: C++ Category: Errors & Error Handling
Created: 12/12/2002 Modified: 12/12/2002
Number: FAQ-0841
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

My code panics and gives me a Panic category and a number. How should I interpret these?

Symbian OS system panics have been extensively documented from the v7.0 release of the Symbian Developer Library. If you are working with an earlier OS release it is worth downloading the v7.0 (or later) documentation if only for this feature. The latest system documentation can always be found at If you find any Panics or Panic codes that are not documented please report this by e-mail to the feedback address cited on that page.