Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0961 How do I force a flush of all buffered 2D drawing commands?

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Classification: C++ Category: Graphics
Created: 01/09/2004 Modified: 01/14/2004
Number: FAQ-0961
Platform: Not Applicable

This FAQ explains how to ensure that all buffered 2D drawing commands have been sent to the window server.

The simplest way to ensure all pending 2D drawing commands in the buffer have been sent to the window server is to make an API call to:


However there is also a large amount of information on flushing the window server buffer in the developer library under:
» Developer Library » Symbian OS Guide » C++ API guide » Graphics » Using Window Server » Window server architecture » Client-side buffer

It should be noted that flushing should be used sparingly since excessive use will slow the graphics on the system considerably. To demonstrate this effect the Uikon UI provides a hot-key, ctrl+alt+shift+F, to turn on auto-flushing which causes the window server buffer to be flushed immediately after anything is put into it. The same effect can be achieved by calling RWsSession::SetAutoFlush(ETrue).