Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1011 How can I enable copy-paste into the search field in the UIQ SDK help documentation?

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Classification: General Category: SDK
Created: 03/23/2004 Modified: 04/01/2004
Number: FAQ-1011
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

How can I enable copy-paste into the search field in the UIQ SDK help documentation?

You can enable copy paste in the UIQ documentation by granting the docplugintool.jar Applet permission to access the clipboard. To do this you have to locate the Java Plug-In that your browser currenly uses. For Internet Explorer go to Tools - Internet Options - Advanced and scroll to the Java (Sun) check box. This should indicate the default JRE version that is being used by the browser (eg "Use Java 2 v1.4.1_02 for " ). Note that this will not necessarily be the same as that installed during the UIQ SDK installation process.

    Now locate the appropriate JRE installation on your computer. Typical locations are

    C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\Jre\1.3.1_06


    C:\Program Files\Java\j2jre1.4.1_02

    Once you have located the default JRE used by your browser, navigate to the lib\security\java.policy file and add the following permission to it.

    grant codeBase "file:///D:/Symbian/UIQ_21/Documentation/docplugintool.jar"
    permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";

    Obviously modifying the file: path to the docplugintool.jar as appropriate for your UIQ SDK installation.