Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1187 Can I develop and deploy a device driver for Symbian OS ?

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Classification: General Category: DevKit/CustKit
Created: 12/09/2004 Modified: 01/17/2005
Number: FAQ-1187
Platform: Symbian OS v6.1, Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s, Symbian OS v8.0a

I want to develop a device driver for Symbian OS. Can I install it on the phone? Is there a device driver development kit ?

To develop a device driver you need to have a license for the DevKit, thus be a Platinum Partner.

    Furthermore some manufacturers do not allow device driver deployment on their devices. For example no Nokia Series 60 devices allow a device driver to be loaded if they are not present in the ROM, while for Series 80 devices such as the Nokia 9500/9300 and UIQ devices such as the P900/910 this is possible.