Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1191 How can I enable networking from the WINS/WINSCW emulator?

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Classification: General Category: Emulator
Created: 12/13/2004 Modified: 01/17/2005
Number: FAQ-1191
Platform: Not Applicable

How can I enable networking from the WINS/WINSCW emulator? What options are available?

The various options are discussed in the Symbian white-paper "Connecting the Symbian OS Emulator to the Internet Using Ethernet", available from

    Here's a summary of that discussion. Note that the two solutions listed in green are not listed in that white paper.

    NT-RAS Uses PPP over a serial cable to connect back to Windows' native PPP server. All Symbian OS versions with TCP/IP. In the UIQ SDK (for example) see the topic on 'How to configure comms settings'.
    mRouter Like NT-RAS with several advantages 6.1 onwards See discussion in the linked paper above.
    Ethernet Uses the host PC's ethernet connection. 7.0 onwards. See
    Winsock Plug-in ("winsock.prt") Connects into Windows' WinSock protocol library at a high-level, avoids most of the Symbian networking stack. 7.0. See
    Peroon ESOCK A third-party tool to provide the equivalent to winsock.prt for 6.1 6.1 See
    WinTunnel Makes NT-RAS run over a TCP/IP connection to a WinTunnel server running on Linux on a LAN. 8.1 onwards Not currently made available by Symbian
    WinTAP Creates a virtual Ethernet LAN within the host PC, to which the emulator connects. This can be routed/bridged by standard Windows functionality if desired. 8.0 onwards Not currently made available by Symbian