Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1287 Why does makesis.exe give key/cer mismatch errors for files extracted from a (*.pfx) file using the vs_pkcs.exe tool?

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Classification: General Category: Symbian Signed
Created: 06/17/2005 Modified: 09/22/2005
Number: FAQ-1287
Platform: Not Applicable

Verisign have provided me an ACS Publisher ID certificate in PCKS#12 form (FileName.pfx). I've used the vs_pkcs.exe tool to extract the ACS Publisher ID .key and .cer files. However, when I use these files to sign my SIS file, I get the following errors:

E:\Symbian\sis\makesis text.pkg
Processing text.pkg...
error: key file does not match certificate(s) given
error: make sure key and certificate(s) specified correspond

The error is sometimes caused by a blank line in the .cer or .key file; immediately before the "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" marker.



Simply edit the files with Notepad.exe (or some other simple text editor) and delete the empty line if it exists. Save the files and the certificate error should now disappear.

    • There is more information on getting an ACS Publisher ID on Verisign's website. The specific section on using the vs_pkcs.exe tool can be found here: Step 3 - Download and use Symbian Key Export Utility
    • The Symbian Signed provided DevCertRequest tool is also prone to such a malformed ACS Publisher ID. See accompanying User Guide for more details.