Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1318 What UID range should I use for my self signed application?

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Classification: General Category: Symbian Signed
Created: 10/14/2005 Modified: 10/17/2005
Number: FAQ-1318
Platform: Symbian OS v9, Symbian OS v9.0

What UID range should I use for my self signed application?
I want to test my application which is signed with a certificate generated using makekeys.exe. What UIDs should I use?

Depending on what Symbian OS v9 phone you are testing your application on, some phone manufacturers mandate that an application must be signed (including self signed) before it can be installed and run on a device.

    Self signing your application has implications on the range of allocated UIDs you can use in your application. The following table explains what UID range to use depending on the signing status of your application:

    Signing Status Symbian Signed DevCert self signed Other self signed (e.g. certificates created using makekeys.exe)
    UID Range protected protected and/or unprotected unprotected

    See FAQ-1322 for details on self signing and Self Certification.