Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1325 Where do I apply for a DevCert with Phone Manufacturer capabilities and/or more than 20 IMEIs?

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Classification: General Category: Symbian Signed
Created: 10/31/2005 Modified: 10/31/2005
Number: FAQ-1325
Platform: Not Applicable

Where do I apply for a DevCert with Phone Manufacturer capabilities and/or more than 20 IMEIs?

You need Phone Manufacturer approval to request a Developer Certificate with Phone Manufacturer capabilities and/or more than 20 IMEIs. You can do this directly from the portal using your user account. Click on 'Request DevCert' and follow the 'Request Phone Manufacturer Approved DevCert' link to request Phone Manufacturer approved DevCerts.

    See Developer Certificate FAQs.pdf for more details.