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How to Use the HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs

The HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs provide an interface for implementing custom encoding and decoding mechanisms for a Web Accelerator. The methods that you implement must optimise HTTP request data (for sending to the network) and decode data received back into HTTP.

To use the HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs you will need to perform the following tasks:


Implementing the MHTTPDataOptimiser Interface

To enable support for Web Acceleration, you must implement your own custom encoding and decoding mechanisms by implementing the functions of the interface MHTTPDataOptimiser. The following code illustrates the MHTTPDataOptimiser interface that consists of the EncodeL() and DecodeL() methods:

class MHTTPDataOptimiser


virtual void EncodeL(const TDesC8& aHTTPData, HBufC8*& aEncodedData) = 0;
virtual void DecodeL(const TDesC8& aData, HBufC8*& aHTTPData, TBool&    aTransFail) = 0;


The EncodeL() method

This method converts HTTP request data (to your selected network optimisation protocol format) before it is sent across the TCP connection. This method has the following parameters:

Note: It is assumed that you define a custom optimisation mechanism to encode the HTTP request data by implementing the EncodeL() method.

The DecodeL() method

This method converts the HTTP response data in your selected network optimisation protocol format back to the standard HTTP response data format. This method has the following parameters:

Note: In a scenario where the HTTP response data is split across various packets (for example, when the network bandwidth is low), the MHTTPDataOptimiser::DecodeL() method is called for every data packet received. In this scenario, to ensure successful parsing of the HTTP response data, the aTransFail parameter must be set to EFalse for every call made to MHTTPDataOptimiser::DecodeL(), until the final transaction is encountered.


Registering your optimiser

You must register your optimiser (MHTTPDataOptimiser) with the HTTP Framework to enable support for Web Acceleration. You can enable the optimiser for a complete session or a particular transaction. Once the optimiser is enabled the HTTP framework calls the EncodeL() and DecodeL() functions automatically when HTTP data is sent and received respectively. The subsequent sections describe how to enable the optimiser for a session or transaction.

Enabling MHTTPDataOptimiser for a session

You must use the RHTTPSession::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser() function of the RHTTPSession class to enable the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation for a session. The following code illustrates the RHTTPSession class:

class RHTTPSession 

RHTTPSession::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser (MHTTPDataOptimiser& aHTTPOptimiser);

MHTTPDataOptimiser* RHTTPSession::HTTPDataOptimiser ();


For a session, if you want to prevent a transaction from using the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation, see the Overriding the optimiser for a session section.

Note: For more information about how to enable the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation for a session, see the HTTP Whole Message Filter example section.

Overriding the optimiser for a session

By default, if the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation is enabled for a session, it applies to all transactions within the session when the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation is not enabled for individual transactions. In a scenario where you want to prevent a particular transaction (for which MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation is not enabled) of a session from using the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation of the session, set the EHTTPTransOptimiser property with the value EDisableHTTPTransOptimiser on that transaction.

The following code illustrates how to set the EHTTPTransOptimiser property:

// HTTP session object
RHTTPSession sess; 

// The MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation is enabled for a session.

// HTTP transaction object
RHTTPTransaction trans = sess.OpenTransactionL(const TUriC8&, MHTTPTransactionCallback&, RStringF);
THTTPHdrVal disableOptimiser(sess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EDisableHTTPTransOptimiser,   RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
trans.PropertySet().SetPropertyL(sess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EHTTPTransOptimiser,   RHTTPSession::GetTable()), disableOptimiser);

Enabling MHTTPDataOptimiser for a transaction

You must use the RHTTPTransaction::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser() function of the RHTTPTransaction class to enable the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation for a particular transaction. The following code illustrates the RHTTPTransaction class:

class RHTTPTransaction

RHTTPTransaction::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser (MHTTPDataOptimiser& aHTTPOptimiser);

MHTTPDataOptimiser* RHTTPTransaction::HTTPDataOptimiser ();


Note: For more information about how to enable the MHTTPDataOptimiser implementation for a transaction, see the HTTP Whole Message Filter example section.


HTTP Whole Message Filter example

The following diagram illustrates the class relationship between the MHTTPDataOptimiser interface and the RHTTPSession class:

Class relationship between MHTTPDataOpti...

Class relationship between MHTTPDataOptimiser and RHTTPSession

For more information about MHTTPTransactionCallback, see A simple HTTP Client session.

The following code segment illustrates how to define the header file required for implementing the HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs:

#include <http.h>

class CMyHTTPClient: public CBase,
                    public MHTTPTransactionCallback,
                    public MHttpDataOptimiser
public: // methods from MHTTPTransactionCallback
    virtual void MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
    virtual TInt MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
public: // methods from MHttpDataOptimiser
    virtual void EncodeL (const TDesC8& aHttpData, HBufC8*& aEncodedData);
    virtual void DecodeL (const TDesC8& aData, HBufC8*& aHttpData, TBool& aTransFail);

The following code segment illustrates how HTTP Whole Message Filter APIs can be used to enable support for Web Acceleration:

#include "CMyHTTPClient.h"

//  CMyHTTPClient.cpp
// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2007.  All rights reserved.
//  defines CMyHTTPClient class: CMyHTTPClient
// Literals used in the file
_LIT8(KHttpAuthenticationUrl,       "");

void CMyHTTPClient::CreateTransactionL()
    TUriParser8 up;

    RHTTPSession session;
    RHTTPTransaction trans;
    // Open the HTTP session

    RStringPool strP = session.StringPool();

  //To enable MHTTPDataOptimiser for transaction

    // Open a GET transaction, specifying this object as the request body data supplier
    trans = session.OpenTransactionL(up, *this, strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&session); //Closes the session


TInt CMyHTTPClient::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
    // Handle Error appropriately

void CMyHTTPClient::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
    // Handle events from the framework.
    switch (aEvent.iStatus)
        case KErrHttpOptimiserFailsTrans:
            INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling/Failing Transaction\n"));
            } break;

    //The following statement is used to eliminate leavescan errors

void CMyHTTPClient::EncodeL (const TDesC8& aHttpData, HBufC8* &aEncodedData)
    //Provide your own custom encoding implementation

void CMyHTTPClient::DecodeL (const TDesC8& aData, HBufC8*& aHttpData, TBool& aTransFail)
    //Provide your own custom decoding implementation

This code enables the MHTTPDataOptimiser for a transaction by using RHTTPTransaction::SetupHTTPDataOptimiser() and also illustrates where custom encoding and decoding mechanisms are implemented.

Note: Alternatively, in this code, you can use the following code segment to enable MHTTPDataOptimiser for a particular session.



See also