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The Location Acquisition API

Client applications use the Location Acquisition API to obtain the position of the mobile device from the LBS subsystem.

The documents listed below describe the Location Acquisition API and give examples of how to use it.

Location Acquisition API overview describes the main client-server classes of the API.

Position data and info classes describes the basic and extended classes that hold position data.

Position data describes how co-ordinates are represented in LBS.

Privacy requester classes describes the classes that are used to identify the requester of location information to the LBS subsystem.

Positioning technology modules describes the classes that give information about positioning modules.

Positioning technology module status describes the classes that give information about the low level state of a positioning module.

Positioning technology module selection criteria describes the classes that specify a module's capabilities and quality of position. An application uses selection criteria to select a positioning module to be used for location requests.

How to get location information demonstrates how a client application uses the API to get a position.

How to use module information demonstrates how a client application uses the API to get information about the available positioning modules.

How to get module status changes demonstrates how a client application uses the API to get device status and quality status events from positioning modules.

How to use module selection criteria demonstrates how a client application specifies module selection criteria to select a positioning module and specify the quality of position required for position updates.

Location Acquisition API runtime behaviour describes some differences in runtime behaviour that application clients may observe depending on the Symbian-based platform on which they are running.

Location Acquisition API reference lists the main classes of the Location Acquisition API with links to reference documentation.