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const TUid KECamAdvancedSettingUid={ 0x1020E76F };
UID used to identify the CCamera
Advanced Settings API. This API is used to control specific individual advanced settings of camera hardware. These settings
directly relate to the image acquisition phase.
const TUid KECamPresetsUid={ 0x1020E770 };
UID used to identify the CCamera
Presets API. This API is used to simplify user - camera interaction by allowing simultaneous setting of various advanced
camera hardware settings using a single predefined parameter.
This API is used to simplify user - camera interaction by allowing simultaneous ...const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera00PluggedIn={ 0x1020E772 };
Camera with index 0 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera01PluggedIn={ 0x1020E773 };
Camera with index 1 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera02PluggedIn={ 0x1020E774 };
Camera with index 2 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera03PluggedIn={ 0x1020E775 };
Camera with index 3 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera04PluggedIn={ 0x1020E776 };
Camera with index 4 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera05PluggedIn={ 0x1020E777 };
Camera with index 5 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera06PluggedIn={ 0x1020E778 };
Camera with index 6 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera07PluggedIn={ 0x1020E779 };
Camera with index 7 Plugged-in
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera00PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77A };
Camera with index 0 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera01PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77B };
Camera with index 1 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera02PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77C };
Camera with index 2 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera03PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77D };
Camera with index 3 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera04PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77E };
Camera with index 4 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera05PluggedOut={ 0x1020E77F };
Camera with index 5 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera06PluggedOut={ 0x1020E780 };
Camera with index 6 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera07PluggedOut={ 0x1020E781 };
Camera with index 7 Plugged-out
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera00Available={ 0x1020E782 };
Camera with index 0 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera01Available={ 0x1020E783 };
Camera with index 1 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera02Available={ 0x1020E784 };
Camera with index 2 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera03Available={ 0x1020E785 };
Camera with index 3 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera04Available={ 0x1020E786 };
Camera with index 4 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera05Available={ 0x1020E787 };
Camera with index 5 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera06Available={ 0x1020E788 };
Camera with index 6 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventGlobalCamera07Available={ 0x1020E789 };
Camera with index 7 Available.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingImageSize={ 0x1020E78D };
Image resolution changed.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingCameraOrientation={ 0x1020E78F };
Camera orientation changed.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingStabilizationMode={ 0x1020E790 };
Stabilization mode.
Interface status: | deprecated |
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange={ 0x1020E792 };
Focus range.
Replaced by KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange2
In the first release of this event, KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange was incorrectly given an already existing uid. In order to preserve compatibility this event is marked as deprecated and has been replaced by KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange2. Camera servers predating this API change will continue to send the original event which is indistinguishable by value. Caching the old value and comparing it with the current value, will allow the client to determine that the value has changed. Camera servers which have been updated should send both KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange and KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange2 on a focus range change. Camera clients should therefore process both events(old and new).
Focus range. This is the new UID value to notify change on focus range and takes...Interface status: | deprecated |
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType={ 0x1020E792 };
Autofocus type.
Replaced by KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2
In the first release of this event, KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType was incorrectly given an already existing uid. In order to preserve compatibility this event is marked as deprecated and has been replaced by KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2. Camera servers predating this API change will continue to send the original event which is indistinguishable by value. Caching the old value and comparing it with the current value, will allow the client to determine that the value has changed. Camera servers which have been updated should send both KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType and KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2 on a focus range change. Camera clients should therefore process both events(old and new).
Autofocus type. This is the new UID value to notify change on autofocus type and...const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusLock={ 0x1020E1B6 };
Autofocus lock state.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingShutterSpeedRange={ 0x1020E1B4 };
Shutter speed range.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingBracketParameter={ 0x1020E79C };
Bracket parameter.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingPictureOrientation={ 0x1020E79D };
Picture orientation.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutomaticSizeSelection={ 0x1020E1B7 };
Automatic size selection option
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashCompensationStep={ 0x1020E79F };
Flash compensation step.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashCompensation={ 0x1020E7A0 };
Flash compensation.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashManualPower={ 0x1020E7A1 };
Manual flash power.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFlashRedEyeReduce={ 0x1020E7A2 };
Red eye reduce mode.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureMode={ 0x1020E7A3 };
Exposure mode setting.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureCompensationStep={ 0x1020E7A4 };
Exposure compensation step.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingExposureCompensation={ 0x1020E7A5 };
Exposure compensation.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingOpticalZoomRange={ 0x1020E7AA };
Optical zoom range.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingDigitalZoomRange={ 0x1020E7AC };
Digital zoom range.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingsStabilizationEffect={ 0x1027375A };
Stabilization effect - magnitude of stabilization
const TUid KUidECamEventSettingsStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity={ 0x1027375B };
Stabilization algorithm
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingsContinuousAutoFocusTimeout={ 0x1027375D };
Continuous Autofocus timeout
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingsWBValue={ 0x1027375E };
White Balance manual setting
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange2={ 0x10273814 };
Focus range. This is the new UID value to notify change on focus range and takes immediate effect as previous UID KUidECamEventCameraSettingFocusRange has been deprecated.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType2={ 0x10273817 };
Autofocus type. This is the new UID value to notify change on autofocus type and takes immediate effect as previous UID KUidECamEventCameraSettingAutoFocusType has been deprecated.
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingIsoRateType={ 0x102825F9 };
ISO Rate type.
This TUid
is available from the following methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
: void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetActiveSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingReferenceScreen={ 0x1028260F };
Reference Screen setting.
This TUid
is available from the following methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
: void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetActiveSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSettingAFAssistantLight={ 0x1028261A };
Pre Capture Warning indication.
This TUid
is available from the following methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
: void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetActiveSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
; void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray< TUid > &)const
const TUid KUidECamPresetOutdoor={ 0x1020E1B8 };
Daytime shot with normal exposure time, one shot autofocus, medium ISO rating and no flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetOutdoorSport={ 0x1020E1B9 };
Daytime shot with short exposure time, continuous autofocus, high Iso rating and no flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetSnow={ 0x1020E1BA };
Daytime shot with very short exposure time, high shutter speed, high Iso rating and no flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetBeach={ 0x1020E1BB };
Daytime shot with very short exposure time, high shutter speed, high contrast, reflections and no flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetNightPortrait={ 0x1020E1BC };
Night time shot with long central exposure time and high flash power.
const TUid KUidECamPresetNightFireworks={ 0x1020E1BD };
Night time shot with long exposure time and no flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetFog={ 0x1020E1BE };
Daytime shot with medium exposure time, medium to high Iso rating, overcast daylight, low contrast, fill-in flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetIndoor={ 0x1020E1BF };
Fluorescent lightning with medium exposure time, medium to low shutter speed with flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetIndoorSport={ 0x1020E1C0 };
Fluorescent lightning with continuous autofocus, wide aperture, high Iso rating with flash.
const TUid KUidECamPresetNightPartyIndoor={ 0x10282611 };
Used in low light situations. Tries to capture all the photons from a low light scene. The image may be processed longer to achieve this. This case may cause blurring, but that could be a wanted effect.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetNightCloseUp={ 0x10282612 };
Used to capture images of things which can't be seen by eye. For example: snowflakes, underwater photography, small insect photos
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetNightMacro={ 0x10282613 };
Used for revealing assumed details. For example: business card photos, small written text photos, underwater photography, insect photos.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetTextDocument={ 0x10282614 };
Used for taking clear pictures of text or drawings. Also used to capture business cards or of a whiteboard. Aim is to optimise text and drawing readability and user expectation of "white" paper. Camera shake may reduce quality in case no flash available or not adequate(distance too much from subject).
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetBarcode={ 0x10282615 };
Used for providing clear pictures of barcode. Aim is to convert barcode into some form which can be easily decoded. Camera shake may reduce this barcode readability and hence, barcode conversion accuracy and reliability.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetAuto={ 0x10282616 };
Used when factory default preset in certain cases may not be available or is too restrictive. Automatic preset expects the hardware to use automatic detection for most of the features.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetPortrait={ 0x10282617 };
Used for portraits of human subjects in good lighting conditions. Focuses on the people and captures natural skin tones. Background details may not be softened.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetLandscape={ 0x10282618 };
Used for sharp landscape shots with clear outlines, colours and contrast, for example forest, sky. The main aim is to get the details of the scene.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)
const TUid KUidECamPresetAmbienceMood={ 0x10282619 };
Used to retain the ambience/mood produced by, for example, warm lighting conditions like sunset, candlelight etc.
This uid value is available from the 'supported' or 'getter' methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt,TInt)
or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2 &,TInt)