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#include <coetextdrawer.h>
Link against: cone.lib

Class CCoeTextDrawerBase

class CCoeTextDrawerBase : public CBase, public MObjectProvider;


This is the base class for all text drawers implementing different text effects (for example shadow or glowing/outlined text). The object can be created and deleted each time it's used, or CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset() and reused if it CCoeTextDrawerBase::IsReusable()const. The latter is recommended.

Note that the pure virtual CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const method is private. This ensures that the object is used through the XCoeTextDrawer class (which manages its life).

Note also that the accessor and set methods should be used via the owning XCoeTextDrawer object, and that the MObjectProvider mechanism can be used to identify the actual text drawer implementation.



Defined in CCoeTextDrawerBase:

Inherited from CBase:

Inherited from MObjectProvider:

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C ~CCoeTextDrawerBase();




protected: IMPORT_C CCoeTextDrawerBase();




Member functions


IMPORT_C virtual void Reset();


This method is called from the destructor of the XCoeTextDrawer object managing the life of the CCoeTextDrawerBase object, if the CCoeTextDrawerBase object has been set to be reusable (by its owner calling CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetReusable(TBool)).

Any derived class must override this method to reset its drawing parameters to their defaults, so that the object is ready to be used again. Any overriding implementation must call the base implementation as well.


virtual TRgb TextColor() const=0;


This method returns the main color used by the CCoeTextDrawer to draw text.

Return value


The color used to draw text.


virtual void SetTextColor(TRgb aColor)=0;


This method sets the main color to use to draw text.


TRgb aColor

The color to use to draw text.


IMPORT_C TGulAlignment Alignment() const;


Returns the text alignment that will be used by CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const and DrawDisplayOrderedText(). Note that left and right alignment will be swapped for right-to-left scripts, unless the alignment has been set to be absolute (see TGulAlignment).

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.

Return value


TGulAlignment value of iAlignment data member

SetAlignment(const TGulAlignment &)

IMPORT_C void SetAlignment(const TGulAlignment &aAlignment);


Set the text alignment that will be used by CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const and DrawDisplayOrderedText(). Note that left and right alignment will be swapped for right-to-left scripts, unless the alignment has been set to be absolute (see TGulAlignment).

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.


const TGulAlignment &aAlignment

TGulAlignment value.


IMPORT_C TMargins8 Margins() const;


Returns the text margins that will be used by CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const and DrawDisplayOrderedText().

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.

Return value


The margins between the text rect and the actual text, in pixels.

SetMargins(const TMargins8 &)

IMPORT_C void SetMargins(const TMargins8 &aMargins);


Set the text margins that will be used by CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const and DrawDisplayOrderedText().

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.


const TMargins8 &aMargins

The margins between the text rect and the actual text, in pixels.


IMPORT_C TInt LineGapInPixels() const;


Returns the gap (in pixels) between lines of text. Default gap is 1 (one) pixel.

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.

Return value


The gap between lines of text, in pixels.


IMPORT_C void SetLineGapInPixels(TInt aLineGapInPixels);


Set the gap (in pixels) between lines of text. Default gap is 1 (one) pixel.

A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.


TInt aLineGapInPixels

The gap between lines of text, in pixels.


IMPORT_C TBool IsReusable() const;


Returns whether the CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived text drawer object has been set to be reusable or not. If reusable, the text drawer is assumed to have an owner that will delete it when appropriate. If not reusable, the XCoeTextDrawer will delete it in its destructor.

Return value


bool value of iIsReusable data member


IMPORT_C void SetReusable(TBool aIsReusable);


Set whether the text drawer is reusable or not. A reusable text drawer will be reset (through a call to CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset()) rather than deleted when the XCoeTextDrawer referring to it is deleted. This decision has to be made by the creator of the CCoeTextDrawerBase object. I.e. this method must not be called by a mere user of the XCoeTextDrawer.


TBool aIsReusable

Boolean indicating whether the text drawer can be re-used.


IMPORT_C void SetAppLanguage(TLanguage aAppLang);


Unless absolute horizontal aligment has been selected (see TGulAlignment), the actual horizontal text alignment used when drawing text depends on whether the directionality of the scrip is left-to-right or right-to-left. In the latter case left and right is swapped. By default, the directionality of the actual text being drawn will define whether the horizontal alignment will be swapped or not. However, if (as recommended) the directionality of the application's main language shall be considered instead (rather than the directionality of the text being printed at the moment), then call this method.

If ELangNone is specified, the text drawer will be reset to swap horizontal alignment depending on the directionality of the text being printed.


TLanguage aAppLang

The application language (e.g. from CEikonEnv::ApplicationLanguage()).


protected: IMPORT_C TInt Construct();


Second phase object construction. Note that this method is non-leaving as it may be called indirectly from a Draw() method, which must not leave.

Return value


returns KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrNoMemory.

ActualHorizontalAlignment(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &)const

protected: IMPORT_C TGulHAlignment ActualHorizontalAlignment(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText) const;


This method returns the actual (absolute) horizontal text alignment to be used when drawing text in any CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const implementation. The actual alignment depends on the application language directionality if the application language has been set calling CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAppLanguage(TLanguage), or otherwise on the directionality of the actual text being printed. If the directionality is right-to-left (and the horizontal alignment has not been set to be absolute, using TGulAlignment::SetAbsoluteHAlignment(TBool)), left and right alignment (set using XCoeTextDrawer::SetAlignment(const TGulAlignment &)) will be swapped.


const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText

Return value


DrawText(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &)const

private: virtual void DrawText(CGraphicsContext &aGc, const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText, const CFont &aFont, const TRect &aTextRect, const TRect &aClipRect) const=0;


Any actual text drawer must implement this method to draw the text passed as argument. The implementation must draw the text inside the text rectangle, cropped to the clipping rectangle, and with the given margins and alignment taken into account.

Note that the actual horizontal alignment shall depend on the script directionality. Calling CCoeTextDrawerBase::ActualHorizontalAlignment(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &)const will return the horizontal alignment where left and right has been swapped for right-to-left scripts.


CGraphicsContext &aGc

const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText

const CFont &aFont

const TRect &aTextRect

const TRect &aClipRect


IMPORT_C virtual TMargins8 EffectMargins();


Any text drawer implementation must override this method, returning the "margins" that the text effect will add to the text extent. I.e. a one-pixel drop-shadow to the lower right will add an effect margin of TMargins8(0,0,1,1), while a one-pixel all-around outline will add an effect margin of TMargins8(1,1,1,1).

Return value


DrawTextVertical(CGraphicsContext &,const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &,const CFont &,const TRect &,const TRect &,TBool)const

private: IMPORT_C virtual void DrawTextVertical(CGraphicsContext &aGc, const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText, const CFont &aFont, const TRect &aTextRect, const TRect &aClipRect, TBool aUp) const;


Draws the text vertically inside the text rectangle, cropped to the clipping rectangle, and with the given margins and alignment taken into account. If aUp is ETrue, text is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise; EFalse, text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

Note that the actual horizontal alignment shall depend on the script directionality. Calling CCoeTextDrawerBase::ActualHorizontalAlignment(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &)const will return the horizontal alignment where left and right has been swapped for right-to-left scripts. Also note that the margines are relative to the orientation of the text.


CGraphicsContext &aGc

const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor &aText

const CFont &aFont

const TRect &aTextRect

const TRect &aClipRect

TBool aUp