#include <D32DBMS.H>
Link against:
class RDbDatabase;
Abstract class providing the functionality of a database.
The source of the database and the implementation characteristics of a particular database are provided by a class derived
from RDbDatabase.
DBMS has one such implementation: the store database.
This class is not intended for user derivation.
Note: For functions (i.e. Execute) that take an Sql
string, if the string contains a LIKE clause with * (asterisks) wildcard then the characters between them must be no longer
than length 255. If only one * exists then the length is taken from the start and to the end of the clause. However, if the
clause contains a ? (question mark) wildcard within it then the characters between must be no longer than length 253.
Defined in RDbDatabase
AlterTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &)
Alters a table synchronously.
Begins a transaction.
Closes a database. Commits any pending transaction. Frees the allocated resource...
ColSetL(const TDesC &)const
Returns the table definition.
Commits the current transaction.
Synchronous database compaction. Compacts the database and returns when complete...
CreateIndex(const TDesC &,const TDesC &,const CDbKey &)
Creates an index synchronously.
CreateTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &)
Creates a table on the database.
CreateTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &,const CDbKey &)
Creates a table on the database.
Drops the tables and destroys the database. This handle is closed on successful ...
DropIndex(const TDesC &,const TDesC &)
Drops an index synchronously.
DropTable(const TDesC &)
Drops a table synchronously.
Execute(const TDesC &,TDbTextComparison)
Executes a SQL statement on the database, and returns when it is complete. The a...
IndexNamesL(const TDesC &)const
Lists the indexes on a table.
Reports the damage status of the database. The function checks database indexes ...
KeyL(const TDesC &,const TDesC &)const
Returns the index key.
Synchronous database recovery. RDbDatabase::Recover() will try to rebuild databa...
Rollbacks the current transaction.
Returns the currently available size information for the database. This comprise...
Lists the tables on the database.
Update any calculated statistics for the database. Note that this can take an ex...
Member functions
IMPORT_C void Close();
Closes a database. Commits any pending transaction. Frees the allocated resources.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt Destroy();
Drops the tables and destroys the database. This handle is closed on successful destruction.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
IMPORT_C TBool IsDamaged() const;
Reports the damage status of the database. The function checks database indexes and returs true if some of them are broken.
Return value
True if the database is damaged, false otherwise.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the write access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt Recover();
Synchronous database recovery. RDbDatabase::Recover()
will try to rebuild database indexes if they are broken. If the database data is corrupted, it cannot be recovered.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the write access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt UpdateStats();
Update any calculated statistics for the database. Note that this can take an extended time to complete, so an incremental
form is also provided - RDbIncremental::UpdateStats(RDbDatabase &,TInt &)
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
See also:
IMPORT_C TSize Size() const;
Returns the currently available size information for the database. This comprises a size in bytes for the database objects
and a percentage used value which indicates how much of that size is live data-the remainder may be available for compaction.
Some types of database may not be able to report this information, e.g. a RDbStoreDatabase
, and others may need to have RDbDatabase::UpdateStats()
in order to provide valid data. In these cases, the values in the RDbDatabase::TSize
structure will contain an error value to indicate this.
Return value
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the write access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt Compact();
Synchronous database compaction. Compacts the database and returns when complete. Note that this can take an extended time
to complete, so an incremental form is also provided. There is a complementary interface to calculate and report database
size and usage information, which can be used by the clients to determine when it may be appropriate to compact the database.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
See also:
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy either the read, write or the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt Begin();
Begins a transaction.
DBMS server only supports one 'granularity' of transaction lock: the whole database. Beginning a transaction locks the database,
and this can fail if another client has already got a lock which excludes this client. If the same client has already locked
the database it will be panic'd. The function is guaranteed to return KErrNone for client-side access.
DBMS transactions do not provide any form of isolation between the clients: while one client is updating a table within a
transaction, other clients will be able to see the changes as they are made. As a result, if a client retrieves two separate
rows from a database there is no automatic guarantee that the data being retrieved has not been changed between the reads
- this can lead to an 'inconsistent read'. A client can prevent an update while retrieving related rows by enclosing the individual
reads within a transaction. Such a transaction will not modify the database and only operates as a read-lock: releasing such
a lock using RDbDatabase::Commit()
or RDbDatabase::Rollback()
will not affect the database in any way.
How RDbDatabase::Begin()
on a shared database RDbDatabase::Begin()
will attempt to get a shared read-lock on the database, and will fail with KErrLocked if anyone has an exclusive write-lock.
Other clients with read-locks will not cause this operation to fail.
any operation which will modify the database attempts to gain an exclusive write-lock on the database, and will fail with
KErrLocked if anyone else has any lock on the database. If the current client already has a read-lock as a result of calling
, then it will be upgraded to an exclusive write-lock.
or RDbDatabase::Rollback()
after a read-lock has been acquired (but not a write-lock) will release that client's lock. The database will only be considered
to be unlocked when all such locks are removed by all clients, when it will report a EUnlock event to any notifiers.
or RDbDatabase::Rollback()
after a write-lock has been acquired will release the lock, and report the ECommit or ERollback event to any notifiers.
automatic transactions will be used as at present if updates are made outside of explicit transactions, and such updates will
also be able to fail with KErrLocked if an exclusive lock cannot be acquired.
Allowing read-locks to be shared enables greater concurrency at the same time as providing some safe guard against inconsistent
reads. It does, however, lead to the possibility of deadlock: two clients wanting to update the database can reach deadlock
if they both RDbDatabase::Begin()
a transaction before either of them starts an update, then one client's read-lock will prevent the other from upgrading to
a write lock and vice versa. The only way out of this is to code the clients in such a way as to back out of such a deadlock
situation, rather than retry forever without releasing the locks.
A client will be able to change the database schema while other clients are using the database, as long as the other clients
have no locks on it. As described above, other clients may find that their rowsets are then invalidated asynchronously as
a result of this.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrLocked, the database is locked by another client; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy either the read, write or the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt Commit();
Commits the current transaction.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database
security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy either the read, write or the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C void Rollback();
Rollbacks the current transaction.
IMPORT_C TBool InTransaction() const;
Return value
True if the database is in a transaction, false otherwise.
CreateTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
inline TInt CreateTable(const TDesC &aName, const CDbColSet &aDef);
Creates a table on the database.
const TDesC16 &aName |
Table name.
const CDbColSet &aDef |
A set of column definitions which describe the table structure.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrAlreadyExists,
a table with that name already exists; KErrArgument, empty column set, duplicated column name, invalid column length; KErrBadName,
invalid table name, invalid column name (containing spaces for example); KErrNotSupported, unknown column type, unknown column
attributes; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide
error codes may also be returned.
CreateTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &,const CDbKey &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
inline TInt CreateTable(const TDesC &aName, const CDbColSet &aDef, const CDbKey &aPrimaryKey);
Creates a table on the database.
const TDesC16 &aName |
Table name.
const CDbColSet &aDef |
A set of column definitions which describe the table structure.
const CDbKey &aPrimaryKey |
Primary key definition.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrAlreadyExists,
a table with that name already exists; KErrArgument, empty column set, duplicated column name, invalid column length; KErrBadName,
invalid table name, invalid column name (containing spaces for example); KErrNotSupported, unknown column type, unknown column
attributes; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide
error codes may also be returned.
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt DropTable(const TDesC &aName);
Drops a table synchronously.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNotFound, there is no table with the supplied name; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
AlterTable(const TDesC &,const CDbColSet &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt AlterTable(const TDesC &aName, const CDbColSet &aNewDef);
Alters a table synchronously.
const TDesC16 &aName |
Table name.
const CDbColSet &aNewDef |
A new set of column definitions which describe the table structure.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrArgument, empty
column set, duplicated column name, invalid column length; KErrNotFound, there is no table with the supplied name; KErrNotSupported,
unknown column type, unknown column attributes; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security
policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
CreateIndex(const TDesC &,const TDesC &,const CDbKey &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt CreateIndex(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC &aTable, const CDbKey &aKey);
Creates an index synchronously.
const TDesC16 &aName |
Index name.
const TDesC16 &aTable |
Table name.
const CDbKey &aKey |
Index definition
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrBadName, invalid
index name (containing spaces for example); KErrAlreadyExists, an index with that name already exists; KErrNotFound, there
is no table with that name; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note
that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
DropIndex(const TDesC &,const TDesC &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema access policy for the database. |
IMPORT_C TInt DropIndex(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC &aTable);
Drops an index synchronously.
Return value
KErrNone The operation has completed successfully; KErrNotFound, there is no table or index with that name; KErrPermissionDenied,
the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Execute(const TDesC &,TDbTextComparison)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy: |
IMPORT_C TInt Execute(const TDesC &aSql, TDbTextComparison aComparison=EDbCompareNormal);
Executes a SQL statement on the database, and returns when it is complete. The aComp parameter is used in the execution of
some SQL statements:
in CREATE INDEX statements it specifies the comparison operation used for text columns in the index key;
in UPDATE and DELETE statements it specifies the comparison operation used to evaluate the WHERE clause; Other statements
ignore the value of aComp. A negative return value indicates an error. A successful DDL operation always returns KErrNone
(zero), a successful DML operation returns the number of rows that were inserted, updated or deleted by the operation.
const TDesC16 &aSql |
A string of 16-bit wide characters containing one SQL statement.
TDbTextComparison aComparison |
Tells the DBMS how to compare text and long text columns.
Return value
Zero or positive value, the number of rows that were inserted, updated or deleted by the operation; KErrLocked, the database
is locked by another client; KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies. Note
that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
IMPORT_C CDbTableNames* TableNamesL() const;
Lists the tables on the database.
Return value
CDbNames *
A pointer to a CDbTableNames container with table names. The caller is responsible for destroying the returned CDbTableNames
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory, |
an out of memory condition has occurred; Note that the function may leave with other system-wide error codes.
ColSetL(const TDesC &)const
IMPORT_C CDbColSet* ColSetL(const TDesC &aName) const;
Returns the table definition.
Return value
CDbColSet *
A pointer to a CDbColSet container with column definitions . The caller is responsible for destroying the returned CDbColSet instance.
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory, |
an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrNotFound, no table with that name exists; Note that the function may leave with
other system-wide error codes.
IndexNamesL(const TDesC &)const
IMPORT_C CDbIndexNames* IndexNamesL(const TDesC &aTable) const;
Lists the indexes on a table.
Return value
CDbNames *
A pointer to a CDbIndexNames container with column definitions . The caller is responsible for destroying the returned CDbIndexNames
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory, |
an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrNotFound, no table with that name exists; Note that the function may leave with
other system-wide error codes.
KeyL(const TDesC &,const TDesC &)const
IMPORT_C CDbKey* KeyL(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC &aTable) const;
Returns the index key.
Return value
CDbKey *
A pointer to a CDbKey object containing the index definition. The caller is responsible for destroying the returned CDbKey instance.
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory, |
an out of memory condition has occurred; KErrNotFound, no index or table with that name exists; Note that the function may
leave with other system-wide error codes.
struct TSize;
Defined in RDbDatabase::TSize
Member data
TInt iSize;
TInt iUsage;
protected: RDbHandle< CDbDatabase > iDatabase;