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#include <rhttpheaders.h>
Link against: http.lib

Class RHTTPHeaders

class RHTTPHeaders;


The collection of headers (or more correctly, header fields) associated with a message. Header (fields) can be created, read and modified. They may be composed of several parts (by repeated invocations of API methods, see below) and may be assigned one or more parameters. Individual field parts and parameters take values described using THTTPHdrVal.


Defined in RHTTPHeaders:

See also:

Construction and destruction


inline RHTTPHeaders();


Default constructor


Member functions


IMPORT_C TInt FieldPartsL(RStringF aFieldName) const;


Obtain the number of parts in the named header field's value, Simple headers are created with a single part following one call to SetFieldL. Subsequent calls to SetFieldL create additional parts if the field exists already.


RStringF aFieldName

The header name

Return value


The number of parts, or zero if the field does not exist.

Leave codes


GetField(RStringF,TInt,THTTPHdrVal &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetField(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aPartIdx, THTTPHdrVal &aHeaderValue) const;


Obtain the named header field's value. The index of a part within the field must be specified. Parts are indexed from 0 and fields with only one part return the entire field for index 0


RStringF aFieldName

The header name

TInt aPartIdx

The index of the part

THTTPHdrVal &aHeaderValue

The header field value

Return value


An error condition. Returns KErrNotFound if there is not a field with the specifed field name

GetRawField(RStringF,TPtrC8 &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRawField(RStringF aFieldName, TPtrC8 &aRawFieldData) const;


Obtain an Raw representation of the named header field's value. Note that general client use of this method is strongly discouraged since it exposes the Raw representation of particular headers. However it may be needed for some cases where received headers could not be decoded by HTTP. It will normally be used internally when preparing header data to be transmitted with a request. Note that this API may not return the field values for all the headers.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name, e.g, 'Content-Type'

TPtrC8 &aRawFieldData

The field's data content, in an appropriate Raw form

Return value


An error condition. Returns KErrNotFound if there is not a field with the specifed field name

GetParam(RStringF,RStringF,THTTPHdrVal &,TInt)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetParam(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal &aReturn, TInt aPartIdx=0) const;


Obtain the value of a named parameter, associated with the named header field. An optional index to a part within the header field may be supplied, if not it is assumed that it is the first part.


RStringF aFieldName

The header name

RStringF aParamName

The parameter name

THTTPHdrVal &aReturn

The returned value. Note that this must be Copy()d by the caller, if it wants to keep the value.

TInt aPartIdx

The optional index of the part

Return value


An error condition. Returns KErrNotFound if there is not a field with the specifed field name


IMPORT_C THTTPHdrFieldIter Fields() const;


Access the fields within this header collection, via an iterator. Each application of the iterator returns the name of the next field type. This may then be accessed via RHTTPHeaders methods.

Return value


The iterator.


IMPORT_C void SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue);


Set a named field in the header. On the first instance that this API method is used for a given field name, the first will be created. On subsequent calls, the same field will be extended to have several parts, with a new part created to hold the supplied value.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name, e.g, 'Content-Type'

THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue

The field value, e.g. 'text/html'


IMPORT_C void SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue, RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal aParamValue);


Set a named field in the header, and associate with it the supplied parameter. If the field doesn't already exist it will be created along with a parameter; if it does exist, then a new part will be created along with the parameter.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name, e.g. 'Accept'

THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue

The field value. e.g. 'text/plain'

RStringF aParamName

The parameter name, e.g. 'q'

THTTPHdrVal aParamValue

The parameter value, e.g. '0.3'


IMPORT_C void SetParamL(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal aParamValue, TInt aPartIdx);


Set a parameter in an existing header.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name, e.g. 'Accept'

RStringF aParamName

The parameter name, e.g. 'q'

THTTPHdrVal aParamValue

The parameter value, e.g. '0.3'

TInt aPartIdx

The part of the header to add the parameter to

Leave codes


if the field, or the part within the field doesn't exist

SetRawFieldL(RStringF,const TDesC8 &,const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C void SetRawFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, const TDesC8 &aRawFieldData, const TDesC8 &aFieldSeparator);


Set a named field in the header to contain the supplied Raw header data. If the header already exists then a LF and the new data will be added to the existing data. This is used to indicate that there are multiple instances of this header

Note that general client use of this method is strongly discouraged since it exposes the raw representation of particular headers. However it may be needed for some cases where headers to be transmitted have no encoding known to HTTP. It will normally be used internally when receiving data from a service provider.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name, e.g, 'Content-Type'

const TDesC8 &aRawFieldData

The field's data content, in a raw form

const TDesC8 &aFieldSeparator

The header field separator


IMPORT_C TInt RemoveField(RStringF aFieldName);


Remove, entirely, the named header field from the header collection. All its parts and associated parameters (where they exist) are also removed.


RStringF aFieldName

The field name.

Return value


KErrNone if the removal is successful; KErrNotFound if the field didn't exist within the headers.


IMPORT_C TInt RemoveFieldPart(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aIndex);


Remove a single part of a header field. Just the part and any associated paramters are removed. If this results in no parts being present in the header then it will also be removed


RStringF aFieldName

The header name

TInt aIndex

The particular part of the field to be removed

Return value


KErrNone if the removal is sucessful; KErrNotFound if the header didn't exist. No exception is raised if the particular value is not found as part of that header


IMPORT_C void RemoveAllFields();


Remove all the fields of this header collection