class THTTPSessionEvent : public THTTPEvent;
A HTTP session status message. Status messages consist of a UID and a status code within that UID. Extension dlls that needs
to create new status messages should use their own UID and create status codes within that UID.
- A HTTP status message. Status messages consist of a UID and a status code within...
- A HTTP session status message. Status messages consist of a UID and a status cod...
Defined in THTTPSessionEvent
Inherited from THTTPEvent
Construction and destruction
inline THTTPSessionEvent(TInt aStatus, TUint aUID=KHTTPUid);
TInt aStatus |
The status value.
TUint aUID |
The UID.
inline THTTPSessionEvent(TStandardEvent aStatus=EAnySessionEvent);
Constructor (using a standard event and the HTTP UID)
inline THTTPSessionEvent(TSessionEvent aStatus);
Constructor (using a session event and the HTTP UID)
inline THTTPSessionEvent& operator=(TSessionEvent aStatus);
Assigns a session event code to an event object
Return value
inline TBool operator==(TSessionEvent aStatus) const;
Equality operator (compares with a session event).
Return value
inline TBool operator!=(TSessionEvent aStatus) const;
Inequality operator (compares with a session event).
Return value
The TSessionEvents type defines the evenst that correspond to the of a session entity. Outgoing events originate from the
client or from filters. Incoming events originate from the protocol handler or from filters, and clients should handle these.
EConnect |
A session connection should be initiated. An outgoing event.
EDisconnect |
The session should be disconnected. An outgoing event.
EConnectedOK |
The session has been successfully connected. None of the client requested capabilities were denied or reduced by the proxy.
An incoming event.
EConnectedWithReducedCapabilities |
The session has been connected, but with one or more of the client requested capabilities denied or reduced by the proxy.
An incoming event.
EDisconnected |
The session has been disconnected. This either confirms an earlier EDisconnect event or indicates a forced disconnection by
the proxy. An incoming event.
EAuthenticatedOK |
The authentication handshake succeeded with the automatic validation of the (proxy) server certificate.
EAuthenticationFailure |
The authentication handshake failed.
EConnectionTimedOut |
The connection attempt to the proxy timed out.
HTTP session warning events.
ENotConnected |
The client has requested a transaction event that requires a session to be connected or the connection to be initiated, but
neither is currently true. The transaction event will be left pending until the session is connected. An incoming event.
EExceptionInfo |
The proxy has sent some information that is not related to a transaction and has no effect on the state of the session. The
information from the proxy is in the EProxyExceptionInfo property.
ERedirected |
The client connection request was (permanently) redirected to a new WAP proxy address. The client should check the EWspProxyAddress
property for the new address. The client's access-point database can then be updated with this address. No notification is
given of a temporary redirection.
EAlreadyConnecting |
The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst the WSP session is trying to establish a connection.
EAlreadyConnected |
The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst the WSP session is in the Connected state.
EAlreadyDisconnecting |
The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst the WSP session is trying to close the connection.
EAlreadyDisconnected |
The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst the WSP session is in the Null (or disconnected) state.