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class RHeap : public RAllocator;
Represents the default implementation for a heap.
The default implementation uses an address-ordered first fit type algorithm.
The heap itself is contained in a chunk and may be the only occupant of the chunk or may share the chunk with the program stack.
The class contains member functions for allocating, adjusting, freeing individual cells and generally managing the heap.
The class is not a handle in the same sense that RChunk
is a handle; i.e. there is no Kernel object which corresponds to the heap.
- No description.
Base class for heaps.
Represents the default implementation for a heap.
Defined in RHeap
Allocates a cell of the specified size from the heap.AllocLen(const TAny *)const
Gets the length of the available space in the specified allocated cell.AllocSize(TInt &)const
Gets the number of cells allocated on this heap, and the total space allocated t...Available(TInt &)const
Gets the total free space currently available on the heap and the space availabl...Base()const
Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.Compress()
Compresses the heap.EAllocCellSize
Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
FindFollowingFreeCell(SCell *,SCell *&,SCell *&)
Free(TAny *)
Frees the specified cell and returns it to the heap.GetAddress(const TAny *)const
ReAlloc(TAny *,TInt,TInt)
Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell in the heap.ReAllocImpl(TAny *,TInt,TInt)
Frees all allocated cells on this heap. SCell
The structure of a heap cell header for a heap cell on the free list. SDebugCell
The structure of a heap cell header for an allocated heap cell in a debug build....SetBrk(TInt)
Gets the current size of the heap.anonymous
The default cell alignment. anonymous
Size of a free cell header.anonymous
Size of an allocated cell header in a release build. iAlign
operator delete(TAny *,TAny *)
Called if constructor issued by RHeap::operator new(TUint,TAny *) throws excepti...Inherited from RAllocator
Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and leaves if there is insuffi...AllocLC(TInt)
Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and, if successful, places a p...AllocZ(TInt)
Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, and clears it to binary zeroes...AllocZL(TInt)
Allocates a cell of specified size from the heap, clears it to binary zeroes, an...Check()const
Checks the validity of the heap.Close()
Closes this shared heap.Count()const
Gets the total number of cells allocated on the heap.Count(TInt &)const
Gets the the total number of cells allocated, and the number of free cells, on t...EAllowMoveOnShrink
Allows the start address of the cell to change if the cell shrinks in size.EBurstDeterministic
aBurst allocations from this heap fail at a rate aRate. For example, if aRate is...EBurstFailNext
aBurst allocations from this heap will fail after the next aRate - 1 allocation ...EBurstRandom
aBurst allocations from this heap fail at a random rate; however, the interval p...EBurstTrueRandom
aBurst allocations from this heap fail at a random rate. The interval pattern be...ECheck
Use this to determine how many times the current debug failure mode has failed s...ECopyDebugInfo
Attempts to allocate from this heap fail at a rate aRate; for example, if aRate ...EFailNext
An allocation from this heap will fail after the next aRate - 1 allocation attem...EFixedSize
The heap is the Kernel heap. EMarkEnd
A reallocation of a cell must not change the start address of the cell.ENone
Cancels simulated heap allocation failure.ERandom
Attempts to allocate from this heap fail at a random rate; however, the interval...EReset
Cancels simulated heap allocation failure, and sets the nesting level for all al...ESetBurstFail
Attempts to allocate from this heap fail at a random rate. The interval pattern ...EUser
The heap is a user heap. FreeZ(TAny *&)
Frees the specified cell, returns it to the heap, and resets the pointer to NULL...Open()
Opens this heap for shared access.ReAllocL(TAny *,TInt,TInt)
Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell, and leaves if there is insu...SCheckInfo
A set of heap allocation failure flags.TDbgHeapType
Heap debug checking type flag. TFlags
Flags controlling reallocation.__DbgCheckFailure()
Returns the number of heap allocation failures the current debug allocator fail ...__DbgMarkCheck(TBool,TInt,const TDesC8 &,TInt)
Checks the current number of allocated heap cells for this heap.__DbgMarkCheck(TBool,TInt,const TUint8 *,TInt)
Marks the end of heap cell checking at the current nested level for this heap.__DbgMarkStart()
Marks the start of heap cell checking for this heap.__DbgSetAllocFail(TAllocFail,TInt)
Simulates a heap allocation failure for this heap.__DbgSetBurstAllocFail(TAllocFail,TUint,TUint)
Simulates a burst of heap allocation failures for this heap.iAccessCount
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TAny* Alloc(TInt aSize);
Allocates a cell of the specified size from the heap.
If there is insufficient memory available on the heap from which to allocate a cell of the required size, the function returns NULL.
The cell is aligned according to the alignment value specified at construction, or the default alignment value, if an explict value was not specified.
The resulting size of the allocated cell may be rounded up to a value greater than aSize, but is guaranteed to be not less than aSize.
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual void Free(TAny *aPtr);
Frees the specified cell and returns it to the heap.
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TAny* ReAlloc(TAny *aPtr, TInt aSize, TInt aMode=0);
Increases or decreases the size of an existing cell in the heap.
If the cell is being decreased in size, then it is guaranteed not to move, and the function returns the pointer originally passed in aCell. Note that the length of the cell will be the same if the difference between the old size and the new size is smaller than the minimum cell size.
If the cell is being increased in size, i.e. aSize is bigger than its current size, then the function tries to grow the cell in place. If successful, then the function returns the pointer originally passed in aCell. If unsuccessful, then:
1. if the cell cannot be moved, i.e. aMode has the ENeverMove bit set, then the function returns NULL. 2. if the cell can be moved, i.e. aMode does not have the ENeverMove bit set, then the function tries to allocate a new replacement cell, and, if successful, returns a pointer to the new cell; if unsuccessful, it returns NULL.
Note that in debug mode, the function returns NULL if the cell cannot be grown in place, regardless of whether the ENeverMove bit is set.
If the reallocated cell is at a different location from the original cell, then the content of the original cell is copied to the reallocated cell.
If the supplied pointer, aCell is NULL, then the function attempts to allocate a new cell, but only if the cell can be moved, i.e. aMode does not have the ENeverMove bit set.
Note the following general points:
1. If reallocation fails, the content of the original cell is preserved.
2. The resulting size of the re-allocated cell may be rounded up to a value greater than aSize, but is guaranteed to be not less than aSize.
Flags controlling reallocation.UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TInt AllocLen(const TAny *aCell) const;
Gets the length of the available space in the specified allocated cell.
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TInt Compress();
Compresses the heap.
The function frees excess committed space from the top of the heap. The size of the heap is never reduced below the minimum size specified during creation of the heap.
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TInt AllocSize(TInt &aTotalAllocSize) const;
Gets the number of cells allocated on this heap, and the total space allocated to them.
UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TInt Available(TInt &aBiggestBlock) const;
Gets the total free space currently available on the heap and the space available in the largest free block.
The space available represents the total space which can be allocated.
Note that compressing the heap may reduce the total free space available and the space available in the largest free block.
protected: UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C virtual TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny *&a0, TAny *a1);
inline void operator delete(TAny *aPtr, TAny *aBase);
Called if constructor issued by RHeap::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
throws exception. This is dummy as corresponding new operator does not allocate memory.
inline TUint8* Base() const;
Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.
Note that because of the small space overhead incurred by all allocated cells, no cell will have the same address as that returned by this function.
inline TInt Size() const;
Gets the current size of the heap.
This is the total number of bytes committed by the host chunk. It is the requested size rounded up by page size minus the size of RHeap object(116 bytes) minus the cell alignment overhead as shown:
Size = (Rounded committed size - Size of RHeap - Cell Alignment Overhead).
The cell alignment overhead varies between release builds and debug builds.
Note that this value is always greater than the total space available across all allocated cells.
inline TInt MaxLength() const;
protected: inline void FindFollowingFreeCell(SCell *aCell, SCell *&pPrev, SCell *&aNext);
protected: UIMPORT_C UIMPORT_C SCell* GetAddress(const TAny *aCell) const;
protected: inline TAny* ReAllocImpl(TAny *aPtr, TInt aSize, TInt aMode);
struct SCell;
The structure of a heap cell header for a heap cell on the free list.
Defined in RHeap::SCell
The length of the cell, which includes the length of this header.next
A pointer to the next cell in the free list.len
TInt len;
The length of the cell, which includes the length of this header.
SCell * next;
A pointer to the next cell in the free list.
struct SDebugCell;
The structure of a heap cell header for an allocated heap cell in a debug build.
Defined in RHeap::SDebugCell
The cumulative number of allocated cellslen
The length of the cell, which includes the length of this header.nestingLevel
The nested level.len
TInt len;
The length of the cell, which includes the length of this header.
TInt nestingLevel;
The nested level.
TInt allocCount;
The cumulative number of allocated cells
protected: TAny * iTestData;