class TAutoClose;
Automatically calls TAutoClose::Close(TAny *)
on an object when that object goes out of scope.
The behaviour takes advantage of the fact that the compiler automatically destroys objects that go out of scope.
Defined in TAutoClose
Pops a single cleanup item from the cleanup stack. PushL()
Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack, so that TAutoClose::Close(TAny *) ...iObj
An instance of the template class.~TAutoClose()
Destructor.inline ~TAutoClose();
The implementation calls TAutoClose::Close(TAny *)
on iObj, the instance of the template class.
inline void PushL();
Pushes a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack, so that TAutoClose::Close(TAny *)
is called on the templated class object, iObj, if a leave occurs.
T iObj;
An instance of the template class.