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#include <e32std.h>
Link against: euser.lib

Class TFindPhysicalDevice

class TFindPhysicalDevice : public TFindHandleBase;


Searches for PDD factory objects by pattern matching against the names of PDD factory objects.

A PDD factory object is an instance of a DPhysicalDevice derived class.

The match pattern can be set into this object at construction; it can also be changed at any time after construction by using TFindHandleBase::Find(const TDesC &).

After construction, call TFindPhysicalDevice::Next(TFullName &) repeatedly to find successive PDD factory objects whose names match the current pattern. A successful call to TFindPhysicalDevice::Next(TFullName &) means that a matching PDD factory object has been found.

The name of a PDD factory object is set by its Install() member function as part of the construction process.



Defined in TFindPhysicalDevice:

Inherited from TFindHandleBase:

Construction and destruction


inline TFindPhysicalDevice();


Constructs the PDD factory object with a default match pattern.

The default match pattern, as implemented by the base class, is the single character "*".

A new match pattern can be set after construction by calling the TFindHandleBase::Find(const TDesC &) member function of the TFindHandleBase base class.

See also:

TFindPhysicalDevice(const TDesC &)

inline TFindPhysicalDevice(const TDesC &aMatch);


Constructs the PDD factory object with a specified match pattern.

A new match pattern can be set after construction by calling TFindHandleBase::Find(const TDesC &).


const TDesC16 &aMatch

The match pattern.

See also:


Member functions

Next(TFullName &)

IMPORT_C TInt Next(TFullName &aResult);


Finds the full name of the next PDD factory object which matches the match pattern.


TBuf &aResult

A reference to a TBuf descriptor with a defined maximum length. If a matching PDD factory object is found, its full name is set into this descriptor. If no matching PDD factory object is found, the descriptor length is set to zero.

Return value


KErrNone, if a matching PDD factory object is found; KErrNotFound otherwise.