EPositionFieldNone |
Reserved field ID. Used to terminate an array of requested fields.
EPositionFieldComment |
A free field that can be used for a comment. This field can be returned by any type of positioning technology. The value of
this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldSpeedCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Speed capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed |
Horizontal speed at which the terminal is travelling. The value of this field is specified in metres per second and it uses
data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeedError |
Accuracy of the horizontal speed defined by the field EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed . The value of this field is specified in metres per second and it uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed |
Vertical speed at which the terminal is travelling. The value of this field is specified in metres per second and it uses
data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldVerticalSpeedError |
Accuracy of the vertical speed defined by the field EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed . The value of this field is specified in metres per second and it uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldDirectionCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Direction capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldTrueCourse |
Current direction measured with respect to the true north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses data
type TReal32.
EPositionFieldTrueCourseError |
Accuracy of the current direction defined by the field EPositionFieldTrueCourse EPositionFieldTrueCourse . This field is measured with respect to true north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses data type
EPositionFieldMagneticCourse |
Current direction measured with respect to the magnetic north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses
data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldMagneticCourseError |
Accuracy of the current direction defined by the field EPositionFieldMagneticCourse EPositionFieldMagneticCourse . This field is measured with respect to magnetic north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses data
type TReal32.
EPositionFieldCompassCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Compass capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldHeading |
Current instantaneous direction of traveling measured with respect to the true north. The value of this field is specified
in degrees and it uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldHeadingError |
Accuracy of current instantaneous direction of traveling defined by the field EPositionFieldHeading EPositionFieldHeading . This field is measured with respect to the true north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses data
type TReal32.
EPositionFieldMagneticHeading |
Current instantaneous direction of traveling measured with respect to the magnetic north. The value of this field is specified
in degrees and it uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldMagneticHeadingError |
Accuracy of current instantaneous direction of traveling defined by the field EPositionFieldMagneticHeading EPositionFieldMagneticHeading . This field is measured with respect to the magnetic north. The value of this field is specified in degrees and it uses data
type TReal32.
EPositionFieldAddressCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Address capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldCountry |
Name of the country. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldCountryCode |
Country as specified by the two letter ISO 3166-1 code. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldState |
Name of the state within the country specfied by the field EPositionFieldCountry EPositionFieldCountry . The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldCity |
Name of the city within the state specfied by the field EPositionFieldState EPositionFieldState . The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldDistrict |
Name of the municipal district within the city specified by the field EPositionFieldCity EPositionFieldCity . The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldStreet |
Street name and building number. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldStreetExtension |
Additional details about the location within a building. For example, flat number. The value of this field uses data type
TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldLocationName |
Name of the company, organization or building at the address. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldPostalCode |
Post code or Zip code of the address. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldLocality |
Name of locality. Locality denotes a small geographical area. Locality is usually not a part of the official address. The
value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldCrossing1 |
Information about the cross within the street field, EPositionFieldStreet EPositionFieldStreet . The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldCrossing2 |
Extension for the cross field defined by EPositionFieldCrossing1 EPositionFieldCrossing1 . The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldCounty |
Name of the county, region or province. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldBuildingCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Building capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldBuildingName |
Name of the building. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldBuildingFloor |
Floor or level within the building. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldBuildingRoom |
Room name or number within the building. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldBuildingZone |
Section of a building. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldBuildingTelephone |
Telephone number associated with the building. The value of this field uses data type TDes16 TDes16 .
EPositionFieldNMEACapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to NMEA capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldNMEASentences |
Raw NMEA data. If the client requests this field then on completion, it contains the number of NMEA sentences provided by
the positioning module. The value of this field uses data type TUint8.
EPositionFieldNMEASentencesStart |
The first NMEA sentence. The rest of the sentences follow this field The value of this field uses data type TDes8 TDes8 .
EPositionFieldSatelliteCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Satellite capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldSatelliteNumInView |
The number of satellites currently in view. The value of this field uses data type TInt8.
EPositionFieldSatelliteNumUsed |
The number of satellites being used to provide position information. The value of this field uses data type TInt8.
EPositionFieldSatelliteTime |
The time as obtained from satellites. The value of this field uses data type TTime TTime .
EPositionFieldSatelliteHorizontalDoP |
The Horizontal dilution of precision. Dilution of precision is associated with the accuracy of the field. The value of this
field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldSatelliteVerticalDoP |
The Vertical dilution of precision. The value of this field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldSatelliteTimeDoP |
The dilution of precision in time. The value of this field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldSatellitePositionDoP |
The position dilution of precision. The value of this field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldSatelliteSeaLevelAltitude |
Altitude above the mean sea level. The value of this field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldSatelliteGeoidalSeparation |
The difference between the WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and the mean sea level. A negative value indicates that the geoid is below
the WGS84 ellipsoid. The value of this field uses data type TReal32.
EPositionFieldMediaCapabilitiesBegin |
Fields related to Media capability are part of this section.
EPositionFieldMediaLinks |
Media link data field. If the client requests this field then on completion, it contains the number of media links provided
by the positioning module. The value of this field uses data type TUint8.
EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart |
The first media link field relevant to this location. The rest of the links follow this field. The media link is of the format
type/format/URI. Type and Format are the standard major and minor MIME types of the media. URI provides the location of the
media. For example, text/html/http://www.s60.com The value of this field uses data type TDes8 TDes8 .
EPositionFieldMedaiLinksEnd |
The field id of the last media field. All media fields will be defined between EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart and this field.
EPositionFieldProprietaryFieldsBegin |
Other propritery fields
EPositionFieldIdLast |
the maximum field id value