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#include <MTUDCBAS.H>
Link against: mtur.lib

Class CBaseMtmUiData

class CBaseMtmUiData : public CBase;


Base class for UI Data MTM components.

CBaseMtmUiData-derived classes allow message client applications to customise dynamically their user interfaces for a particular message type. For example, if a message client application currently had a fax entry selected, then it could use the fax MTM's concrete class to get information on the menus and icons that it should display.

Specifically, functionality falls into the following three areas:

1. supplying MTM-specific icons for Message Server entries

2. supplying user interface text, e.g. for menus, for MTM-specific operations

3. providing checks that MTM functions are suitable for use on an entry. It is intended that client applications will use these functions to select dynamically the user interface features available dependent on the entry currently selected within the application. For example, menu items that do not apply to particular entries could be greyed out. Note that CBaseMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL(TInt,const TMsvEntry &)const performs a similar function for MTM-specific functions. Implementations should determine if the operation is supported by checking the properties of the entry, such as its type. If the operation is not appropriate on the entry, then the aReasonResourceId argument is set to the ID of a string in the UI Data MTM's resource file that explains why not. Otherwise, aReasonResourceId is 0.

Message client applications use the class to access such functionality polymorphically. MTM implementers implement this class to provide such functionality for their message protocol.



Defined in CBaseMtmUiData:

Inherited from CBase:

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C virtual ~CBaseMtmUiData();



This cleans up the base class. CBaseMtmUiData-derived objects must be deleted by client applications when they are no longer required. Clean up includes:

1. cleaning up the iIconArrays and iMtmSpecificFunctions

2. unloading the UI Data MTM resource file

Derived classes can implement a destructor to do any additional clean up tasks that they require.

CBaseMtmUiData(CRegisteredMtmDll &)

protected: IMPORT_C CBaseMtmUiData(CRegisteredMtmDll &aRegisteredMtmDll);



This creates a CBaseMtmUiData and initialises its private member variables. Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

Derived classes can implement a constructor to perform any additional MTM-specific setup that can be safely carried out in a constructor. Such constructors must call the base class constructor function.


CRegisteredMtmDll &aRegisteredMtmDll

Registration data for the DLL.


protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructL();


Second-phase constructor.

This implements two-phase construction functions (NewL(), CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL()) to create a new instance of the object. Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

The function should perform any necessary dynamic allocation. CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL() should be called from the NewL() function of the derived class.

The default implementation of this function initiates the loading of required resources:

1. instantiates objects for the iIconArrays and iMtmSpecificFunctions protected members

2. loads the UI Data MTM's resource file, as specified by CBaseMtmUiData::GetResourceFileName(TFileName &)const

3. calls CBaseMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL() so that the derived class can load resources

Derived classes can implement this function to perform any additional MTM-specific second stage construction tasks that they require. Implementations must call the base class CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL() function.

Concrete MTMs must also implement a factory function by which a MTM registry can request an instance of the class:


Member functions


IMPORT_C TUid Type() const;


Gets the Type UID of the message type associated with the UI Data MTM.

Return value


UID of the message type associated with the MTM

ContextIcon(const TMsvEntry &,TInt)const

virtual const CBitmapArray& ContextIcon(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt aStateFlags) const=0;


Gets an array of bitmaps relevant to the passed context entry.

The bitmaps within the array should be representations of the same bitmap at various sizes.

The aStateFlags argument indicates the user interface state, for example, "open", of the entry.


Implementations should check the type of the context, using TMsvEntry::iType::iUid, and the passed state, and return an appropriate bitmap array.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

Context entry to return the icons for.

TInt aStateFlags

Flasgs indicating the user interface state of the entry.

Return value

const CArrayPtr &

Bitmap array for the given context..


IMPORT_C const CArrayFix< TMtmUiFunction >& MtmSpecificFunctions() const;


Gets an array of MTM-specific operations that can be carried out through the associated User Interface MTM's CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt,const CMsvEntrySelection &,TDes8 &)/InvokeAsyncFunctionL() functions.

It is intended that message client applications will use this function to add dynamically user interface features, such as menu items, dependent on the MTM type of the entry currently selected within the application. Message client applications can also use CBaseMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL(TInt,const TMsvEntry &)const to check dynamically if a particular operation is appropriate to a particular entry.

Implementers should note that this function returns a pointer to the iMtmSpecificFunctions data member.

Return value

const CArrayFix< CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction > &

Array of operations relevant to the MTM and context.


IMPORT_C TBool FunctionRecognised(TInt aFunctionId) const;


Tests if an operation with the specified ID is recognised by the UI Data MTM.

Implementers should note that this function searches the iMtmSpecificFunctions array for the aFunctionId.


TInt aFunctionId

The operation to check

Return value


ETrue: operation aFunctionId is supported by this UI Data MTM. EFalse: operation aFunctionId is not supported by this UI Data MTM.

CanCreateEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanCreateEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aParent, TMsvEntry &aNewEntry, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if an entry can be created as a child.


const TMsvEntry &aParent

The entry under which aNewEntry should be created.

TMsvEntry &aNewEntry

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanDeleteFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanDeleteFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if a delete operation is supported.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanUnDeleteFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

IMPORT_C virtual TBool CanUnDeleteFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const;


Tests if the entry can be undeleted.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanDeleteServiceL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanDeleteServiceL(const TMsvEntry &aService, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if the service entry can be deleted.


const TMsvEntry &aService

The service entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanReplyToEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanReplyToEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if an entry can be replied to.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanForwardEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanForwardEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if an entry can be forwarded.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanEditEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanEditEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if the entry can be edited.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanViewEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanViewEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if an entry can be viewed.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanOpenEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanOpenEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if an entry can be opened.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanCloseEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanCloseEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if a close operation is supported.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID, or 0 if operation is supported.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanCopyMoveToEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanCopyMoveToEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if a copy from or move to operation is supported.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanCopyMoveFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanCopyMoveFromEntryL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests whether a copy from or move from operation is supported.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID or 0.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

CanCancelL(const TMsvEntry &,TInt &)const

virtual TBool CanCancelL(const TMsvEntry &aContext, TInt &aReasonResourceId) const=0;


Tests if the current operation on the entry can be cancelled.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

TInt &aReasonResourceId

On return, a resource string ID, or 0 if operation is supported.

Return value


ETrue, if the operation is appropriate on the entry; EFalse, if the operation is NOT appropriate on the entry.

OperationSupportedL(TInt,const TMsvEntry &)const

virtual TInt OperationSupportedL(TInt aOperationId, const TMsvEntry &aContext) const=0;


Tests if an MTM-specific operation is appropriate to the specified entry. The operation specified must have been obtained from a call to CBaseMtmUiData::MtmSpecificFunctions()const.

It is intended that client applications will use this function to select dynamically the MTM-specific user interface features available dependent on the entry currently selected within the application.


Implementations should check the type of the context, using TMsvEntry::iType::iUid, and use any other information required available from the context, to determine if the operation is supported.


TInt aOperationId

ID of operation to query.

const TMsvEntry &aContext

The entry to which the operation applies.

Return value


KErrNone: operation is appropriate to User Interface MTM and entry. Other: if the operation is not appropriate on the entry, then this is the ID of a string in the UI Data MTM's resource file that explains why not.

QueryCapability(TUid,TInt &)const

virtual TInt QueryCapability(TUid aFunctionId, TInt &aResponse) const=0;


Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.


Implementations should check aCapability for the standard capability values and return a suitable response in aResponse. If aFunctionId is unknown, return KErrNotSupported.


TUid aFunctionId

UID of capability to be queried

TInt &aResponse

Response value. The format of the response varies according to the capability.

Return value


KErrNone: aFunctionId is a recognised value and a response is returned KErrNotSupported: aFunctionId is not a recognised value

StatusTextL(const TMsvEntry &)const

virtual HBufC* StatusTextL(const TMsvEntry &aContext) const=0;


Provides status text for the sending state of the entry.


const TMsvEntry &aContext

Entry to query

Return value

HBufC16 *

Descriptor containing status text.


protected: virtual void PopulateArraysL()=0;


Initialises bitmaps and function information.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.


This function is called by the base class CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL() function. Implementations should provide this function to:

1. insert MTM-specific icon bitmap arrays into the iIconArrays array data member

2. insert MTM-specific operation information into the iMtmSpecificFunctions array data member

GetResourceFileName(TFileName &)const

protected: virtual void GetResourceFileName(TFileName &aFileName) const=0;


Gets the resource file name.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.


Each UI Data MTM can have a resource file associated with it. Implementations should set aFilename to the full path and name of this resource file. The function is called by CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL(), which then loads the resource file.


TBuf &aFileName

Filename buffer to be filled with the resource file path and name


protected: IMPORT_C void ReadFunctionsFromResourceFileL(TInt aResourceId);


Fills the iMtmSpecificFunctions array with MTM-specific operation definitions from the UI Data MTM's resource file.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

For each MTM-specific operation definition in the resource file, it adds a corresponding CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction object to iMtmSpecificFunctions.

The function is typically called from CBaseMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL().


TInt aResourceId

Resource ID of MTM-specific operation definition array

CreateBitmapsL(TInt,const TDesC &,TInt,TInt)

protected: IMPORT_C void CreateBitmapsL(TInt aNumZoomStates, const TDesC &aBitmapFile, TInt aStartBitmap, TInt aEndBitmap);


Fills the iIconArrays array with icon bitmaps from an mbm file.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.

The bitmaps to load must be contiguous within the file between the positions indicated by aStartBitmap and aEndBitmap.

The function is typically called from CBaseMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL().


TInt aNumZoomStates

Number of zoom states for each icon. This is used as the array size of each element in iIconArrays.

const TDesC16 &aBitmapFile

Filename of .mbm format bitmap array file.

TInt aStartBitmap

First bitmap within the file for this MTM.

TInt aEndBitmap

Final bitmap within the file for this MTM.


protected: IMPORT_C virtual TAny* GetInterface(TUid aUid);


Returns a pointer to the interface with the specified Uid.

This method is the first part of an extension pattern to allow for more functionality to be supported without adding virtual methods to this base class.

The default implementation returns a NULL pointer.


TUid aUid

Uid of the extension interface

Return value

TAny *

Pointer to the extension interface


Member classes

Class TMtmUiFunction

class TMtmUiFunction;


Provides the interface for clients to access MTM-specific functions, and present these functions to the user. A message client application can use this information to customise the UI.

The class encapsulates information relating to an MTM-specific operation:

1. human-readable name: for display on the UI

2. ID: used to invoke the operation through the CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt,const CMsvEntrySelection &,TDes8 &)/InvokeAsyncFunctionL() functions on the associated User Interface MTM

3. a suggested hot-key that the UI should support for the operation

4. flags that describe further operation characteristics.


Defined in CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction:

Construction and destruction

TMtmUiFunction(TResourceReader &)

IMPORT_C TMtmUiFunction(TResourceReader &aResourceReader);


Creates a CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction with its values read from the resource file location specified by TResourceReader. This position should be at a MTUD_FUNCTION resource.


TResourceReader &aResourceReader

Position in UI Data MTM resource file to read operation

TMtmUiFunction(const TMtmUiFunction &)

IMPORT_C TMtmUiFunction(const TMtmUiFunction &aFunc);


Copy constructor.

Creates a CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction by copying another CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction. Its action is the same as the default copy constructor, except that it will panic in debug builds if multiple location flags are set in aFunc.


const CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction &aFunc

CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction to copy

Member enumerations

Enum anonymous



Enum to define UI Data base class constants.


Maximum length for operation caption. Used in defining iCaption.

Member data


TBuf< ECaptionMaxLen > iCaption;


String, suitable for a menu, describing the operation.


TInt iPreferredHotKeyKeyCode;


Character code for a suggested hotkey for the operation.


TInt iPreferredHotKeyModifiers;


Suggested key modifiers for the hotkey.


TInt iFunctionId;


The ID that can be used to invoke the operation.


TUint8 iFunctionType;


Flags setting location characteristics of the operation.


TInt iFlags;


Flags setting characteristics of the operation.


Member type definitions

Typedef CBitmapArray

typedef CArrayPtr<CFbsBitmap> CBaseMtmUiData::CBitmapArray;


Defines an array of icon bitmaps for the UI Data MTM.

It is used in the definition of CBaseMtmUiData::iIconArrays.


Member data


protected: CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv;


Control environment object. It is set by the constructor.


protected: CArrayPtr< CBitmapArray > * iIconArrays;


The array that stores the arrays of icon bitmaps for the UI Data MTM. Items are added to the array by CBaseMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL().


protected: CArrayFix< TMtmUiFunction > * iMtmSpecificFunctions;


The array that stores MTM-specific function information for the UI Data MTM. Items are added to the array by CBaseMtmUiData::ReadFunctionsFromResourceFileL(TInt).