class TMsvCopyProgress : public TMsvServerOperationProgress;
Progress information for the copy operation.
- Encapsulates progress information returned by a non-MTM specific Message Server ...
- Progress information for the copy operation.
Defined in TMsvCopyProgress
Operation completed ECopyStore
Mail Store is being copied EInitCopy
Initialising Copy operation ELock
Mail Store is being locked ENotYetStarted
Operation not yet started EUnlock
Mail Store is being unlocked. TCopyState
States for the copy operation. TMsvCopyProgress()
Default constructor. iOperationType is set to EMsvCopyOperation; iError is set t...iCurrent
Stores any errors that the operation encountered. iState
Inherited from TMsvServerOperationProgress
Change drive operation in progress.EMsvCopyOperation
Copy Store operation in progress. EMsvDeleteOperation
Delete Store operation in progress. EMsvNoOperation
No operation in progress. TMsvServerOperationType
The type of operation in progress. CMsvOperation
Defines an interface for use by objects which control asynchronous commands in t...CMsvSession::CopyStoreL(const TDriveUnit &,TRequestStatus &)
Copies the Message Store to the specified drive.IMPORT_C TMsvCopyProgress();
Default constructor. iOperationType is set to EMsvCopyOperation; iError is set to KErrNone; iState is set to ENotYetStarted.
States for the copy operation.
TCopyState iState;