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#include <MdaAudioOutputStream.h>
Link against: mediaclientaudiostream.lib

Class CMdaAudioOutputStream

class CMdaAudioOutputStream : public CBase, public MMMFClientUtility;


The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware.

This class enables MMF clients to:

Stream raw audio data to the audio hardware from specified buffers

Specify the priority of the audio stream in relation to other clients that may request to use the same audio hardware

Set the sample rate and the number of channels after successfully opening the stream. It is not possible to change these values once streaming has started.

Change the volume and balance before or while the stream is open for writing. Volume and balance settings take effect immediately.

The API supports callbacks from the server to notify the client:

MaoscOpenComplete() will be called when the audio streaming object is open and ready to stream data back to the audio hardware as a result of a previous call to CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open(TMdaPackage *).

MaoscBufferCopied() Each time audio data has been successfully copied to the lower layers of the MMF as a result of a previous ReadL().

MaoscRecordComplete: When the audio data stream has been closed as a result of a previous CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop().



Defined in CMdaAudioOutputStream:

Inherited from CBase:

Construction and destruction

NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &,CMdaServer *)

IMPORT_C static CMdaAudioOutputStream* NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &aCallBack, CMdaServer *aServer=0);


Allocates and constructs an audio stream player object.


MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &aCallBack

A callback to notify the client when the sound device is open and ready to receive data, when each descriptor has been copied and when the stream is closed. The caller must create a callback class which implements this interface.

CMdaServer *aServer

A pointer to a CMdaServer. CMdaServer is deprecated and as such this parameter is only provided for backward compatibility.

Return value

CMdaAudioOutputStream *

A pointer to new audio stream player.

NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &,TInt,TMdaPriorityPreference)

Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

IMPORT_C static CMdaAudioOutputStream* NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &aCallBack, TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref=EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);


Constructs and initialises a new instance of an audio streaming object.

The function leaves if the audio streaming object cannot be created.


MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback &aCallBack

A callback to notify the client when the sound device is open and ready to receive data, when each descriptor has been copied and when the stream is closed. The caller must create a callback class which implements this interface.

TInt aPriority

This client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

The required behaviour if a higher priority client takes over the sound output device.

Return value

CMdaAudioOutputStream *

A pointer to CMdaAudioOutputStream.


Member functions


virtual void SetAudioPropertiesL(TInt aSampleRate, TInt aChannels);


Sets the sample rate and number of audio channels.


TInt aSampleRate

The new sample rate. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.

TInt aChannels

The new number of channels. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.

Open(TMdaPackage *)

virtual void Open(TMdaPackage *aSettings);


Opens an output audio stream package.

The MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaosOpenComplete() callback function is called when the stream has been opened and is ready to receive audio data. If the open was unsuccessful, this is indicated by the aError parameter of the callback.


TMdaPackage *aSettings

A pointer to a TMdaPackage object.


virtual TInt MaxVolume();


Returns the maximum volume level.

Return value


The maximum volume level supported by the sound device, as an integer.


virtual TInt Volume();


Returns the current volume.

Return value


The current volume as an integer.

SetVolume(const TInt)

virtual void SetVolume(const TInt aNewVolume);


Sets the audio volume.

Set the volume to zero for "sound off" or any other value between 1 and CMdaAudioOutputStream::MaxVolume().


const TInt aNewVolume

A specified audio volume.


Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

virtual void SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);


Sets the audio priority values.

This function cannot be used while the stream object is open. It is intended for use before an CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open(TMdaPackage *) is issued, or between a previous CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop() and a new CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open(TMdaPackage *).


TInt aPriority

The priority level to apply, EMdaPriorityMin allows the client can be interrupted by any other client, EMdaPriorityNormal allows the client is only interrupted by clients with a higher priority or EMdaPriorityMax allows the client cannot be interrupted by other clients.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

A set of priority values that define the behaviour to be adopted by a client using a sound device if a higher priority client takes over that device.

WriteL(const TDesC8 &)

virtual void WriteL(const TDesC8 &aData);


Writes (plays) streaming raw audio data.

This function is asynchronous. When aData has been received, the client is notified by a call to MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied(TInt,const TDesC8 &). The client can call CMdaAudioOutputStream::WriteL(const TDesC8 &) again before this notification takes place because the buffers are maintained in a client-side queue until they have been sent. An active object performs the notification, and copies the next item in the queue to the server. MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscPlayComplete(TInt) is called when all descriptors have been sent.


const TDesC8 &aData

A reference to the stream data.


virtual void Stop();


Stops writing data to a stream.


virtual const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& Position();


Returns the current position within the data stream.

Return value

const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &

The current position within the stream in microseconds.


IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance=KMMFBalanceCenter);


Sets the audio balance.


TInt aBalance

A specified balance volume. Default is KMMFBalanceCenter.


IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL() const;


Returns the current balance as an integer.

Return value


The current balance value as integer.


IMPORT_C TInt GetBytes();


Returns the current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware.

Return value


The current current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware as an integer.


IMPORT_C void SetDataTypeL(TFourCC aAudioType);


Sets the data type. If the data type is not explicitly set it will assumed to be pcm16. If it is set then the hardware must support the data type being set otherwise the function leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TFourCC aAudioType

The fourCC code used to specify the data type of the streamed audio

Leave codes


Leaves with this for any unsuported data type.


IMPORT_C TFourCC DataType() const;


Returns the current data type.

Return value


The ID of the data type.

RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback &,TUid,const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback &aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8 &aNotificationRegistrationData=KNullDesC8);


Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.


MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback &aCallback

The audio outputstream observer interface..

TUid aNotificationEventUid

The Event for which the client is registered.

const TDesC8 &aNotificationRegistrationData

Notification registration specific data.

Return value


An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);


Cancels the registered notification event.


TUid aNotificationEventId

The Event to notify the client.

Return value


An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt WillResumePlay();


Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.

Return value


An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);


Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.


TUid aInterfaceId

The interface UID, defined with the custom interface.

Return value

TAny *

A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the correct type by the user.