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#include <S32BUF.H>
Link against: estor.lib

Class TStreamFilter

class TStreamFilter : public MStreamBuf;


Interface to a stream filter.

A stream filter is an object that allows stream data to be filtered after retrieval from a host or filtered before being written to a host.

The class is abstract and a derived class must be defined an implemented.



Defined in TStreamFilter:

Inherited from MStreamBuf:

Construction and destruction


protected: IMPORT_C TStreamFilter();


Constructs an empty stream filter object.


Member functions

Set(MStreamBuf *,TInt)

protected: inline void Set(MStreamBuf *aHost, TInt aMode);


Sets up the filter to use the specified host for streamed data.

Taking ownership of the host stream buffer means that calls to MStreamBuf::SynchL() propagate to the host buffer after the filter has flushed its data, and that when the filter is released it also releases the host buffer.


MStreamBuf *aHost

The host for the streamed data - a stream buffer.

TInt aMode

The mode in which the stream buffer is to be used. It can be used in either read or write modes, represented by ERead and EWrite, but not both at the same time. In debug mode, setting both raises a STORE-Stream 18 panic. In addition, specify EAttached to indicate that the filter should take ownership of the host stream buffer.

See also:


protected: inline void Committed();


Flags the streamed data as committed.


protected: inline TBool IsCommitted() const;


Tests whether the streamed data is committed.

Return value


True, if streamed data is committed; false, otherwise.

EmitL(const TAny *,TInt)

protected: IMPORT_C void EmitL(const TAny *aPtr, TInt aLength);


Writes data from the specified memory location directly to the host without filtering.

This is useful for sending any final data, when flushing the filter as part of TStreamFilter::DoSynchL().

In debug mode: the filter must be in write mode, otherwise the function raises a STORE-Stream 11 panic.

In debug mode, a host stream must have been set before calling this function, otherwise it raises a STORE-Stream 0 panic.


const TAny *aPtr

A pointer to the memory location from which data is to be written to the host stream.

TInt aLength

The number of bytes to be written.

See also:


protected: IMPORT_C virtual void DoRelease();


Frees the host stream's resources.

See also:


protected: IMPORT_C virtual void DoSynchL();


Synchronizes the host's intermediate buffer with its stream, leaving if any error occurs.

See also:

DoReadL(TAny *,TInt)

protected: IMPORT_C virtual TInt DoReadL(TAny *aPtr, TInt aMaxLength);


Reads data from the host stream through the filter into the specified memory location.

In debug mode: the filter must be in read mode, otherwise the function raises a STORE-Stream 10 panic.

In debug mode, a host stream must have been set before calling this function, otherwise it raises a STORE-Stream 0 panic.


TAny *aPtr

A pointer to the target memory location for the filtered data.

TInt aMaxLength

The maximum number of bytes to be read. In debug mode: if this value is negative then the function raises a STORE-Stream 1 panic; if this value is zero, then the function raises a STORE-Stream 3 panic.

Return value


The number of bytes read.

DoWriteL(const TAny *,TInt)

protected: IMPORT_C virtual void DoWriteL(const TAny *aPtr, TInt aLength);


Writes data to the host stream through the filter from the specified memory location.

In debug mode: the filter must be in write mode, otherwise the function raises a STORE-Stream 11 panic.

In debug mode, a host stream must have been set before calling this function, otherwise it raises a STORE-Stream 0 panic.


const TAny *aPtr

A pointer to the source memory location.

TInt aLength

The number of bytes to be written. In debug mode: if this value is negative then the function raises a STORE-Stream 1 panic; if this value is zero, then the function raises a STORE-Stream 7 panic.


private: virtual TInt Capacity(TInt aMaxLength)=0;


Calculates the maximum size of unfiltered data necessary to give the specified amount of filtered data.


TInt aMaxLength

The amount of filtered data required.

Return value


The maximum amount of unfiltered data guaranteed not to generate more than aMaxLength bytes of filtered output.

FilterL(TAny *,TInt,const TUint8 *&,const TUint8 *)

private: virtual TInt FilterL(TAny *aPtr, TInt aMaxLength, const TUint8 *&aFrom, const TUint8 *anEnd)=0;


Performs the filtration process.


TAny *aPtr

Pointer to the output location for the filtered data.

TInt aMaxLength

The maximum amount of space available for the filtered data.

const TUint8 *&aFrom

A reference to a pointer to the unfiltered data source. This pointer should be advanced as the source is consumed.

const TUint8 *anEnd

Pointer to the first byte beyond the end of the unfiltered data source.

Return value


The size of the filtered data.


Member enumerations

Enum anonymous


